I was just kicking around the idea of breaking up a large group of text into a single integer by using recursive 2-Gram storage until there is only one value left.

table pair
    first_parent_id (points to -> this.id)
    second_parent_id (points to -> this.id)

For example, in the following code I have a 11 word sentence (twelve with the period). I could store each word pair in a database ("this" + "is" = ID #1) and then store each set of two wordpairs in the database (1 + 2 = ID #7), and repeat until I get down to only one word set left - which would be ID 12.

This is my group of words which I plan to compress.

Then using the number "12" we can work backwards (if we have the same dataset)

This is my group of words which I plan to compress.

While this would take a tremendous amount of work to compress/uncompress each string - it seems like it might have a use in some kind of archive work where the contents need to be stored - but are never read except in rare cases where the uncompression process isn't a problem.

Am I thinking about this correctly? Would the possible number of word sequences just be too great to store like this? (Imagine a 500 word document).


2 回答 2



  1. 计算单词出现次数并按频率降序对它们进行排序。您可以使用自定义编码方法使用前 N 个单词,其中 N 可由用户配置。您甚至可以使用动态编程等来优化 N。在实际编码中,编码一个标志以指示下一个符号是字典词还是直接编码的词。

  2. 构建二字或三字字符组合(包括空格、标点符号等)的直方图。然后使用未使用的字节值来编码那些经常看到的二元组或三元组。您甚至可以使用递归方法一遍又一遍地扫描以减少源文件。



  1. XWRT:最先进的字典预处理器之一。
  2. DICT:高性能FreeArc归档器的预处理器(它是开源的)。有一篇关于它的文章。不幸的是,它是俄语的。
  3. KWC:一个简单的测试字典预处理器,它用字典代码替换 6 克代码。看这里的讨论。
  4. bpe2 V3:它基于 n-gram 替换。其他版本:V1V2。此外,还有关于它的讨论
于 2012-01-08T18:43:09.970 回答

简而言之,是的,可能的序列数量可能太多而无法有效地做到这一点。更大的问题是这些单词映射以及每个映射之后的 n-gram 需要存储在某个地方,这将大大超过实际“压缩”的任何节省。

于 2012-01-04T00:06:14.357 回答