如何通过将 xml 发送到 tropo 托管脚本来使用 tropo 拨打电话?这个 php 脚本应该使用 curl 将 xml 发布到另一个 php 脚本(托管@tropo)。然后,tropo 托管的脚本应该使用 xml 来拨打电话。在下面的示例中,tropo 调试器正在接收正确的信息,因为像这样的消息显示在调试器中:

customerName:Kent is added into the context of app instance : ApplicationInstance[http://hosting.tropo.com/107029/www/ExternalPhoneHelper.php , sas_2-14-sm25ogjh4vlab5tropo]

这是将 xml 数据发送到 tropo 的 curl php 脚本:

$token = "mytoken";//removed actual token
$url = PhoneHelper::$TROPO_URL;
$xml = "
        <token>" . $token . "</token>
        <var name=\"action\" value=\"create\"/>
        <var name=\"customerName\" value=\"Kent\" />
        <var name=\"numberToDial\" value=\"##########\" />
        <var name=\"msg\" value=\"XML Test\" />
$ch = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: text/xml'));
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "$xml");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$output = curl_exec($ch);
echo curl_error($ch);
echo $output;




如果应该使用 call() 和 say() 方法,我将如何引用发布的 xml 来获取 numberToDial 和 msg?


    |00000|00-1|02:18:47 AM|Set logging context for http/  |
    |     |    |           |to accountID=107029 host=tropo203.orl.voxeo.net |
    |     |    |           |sessionGUID=-1 sessionNumber=-1 callID=-1       |
    |00001|00-1|02:18:47 AM|Attempting to determine application type via    |
    |     |    |           |tropo-engine URL parameter in  myURL            |
    |00002|00-1|02:18:47 AM|Attempting to determine application type by     |
    |     |    |           |requesting HEAD from                            |
    |     |    |           |myURL to get Content-Type header                |
    |00003|00-1|02:18:47 AM|Opened URLConnection                            |
    |00004|00-1|02:18:47 AM|Connecting for HEAD                             |
    |00005|00-1|02:18:47 AM|Got HEAD response                               |
    |00006|00-1|02:18:47 AM|No Content-Type header provided by HEAD.        |
    |00007|00-1|02:18:47 AM|Attempting to determine application type based  |
    |     |    |           |on file extension for myURL                     |
    |00008|00-1|02:18:47 AM|Determined type=php from filename suffix        |
    |00009|00-1|02:18:47 AM|Trying to create application for URL=myURL      |
    |00010|00-1|02:18:47 AM|Tropo app dir is /tropo_app_home                |
    |00011|0000|02:18:47 AM|Set logging context for http/  |
    |     |    |           |to accountID=107029 host=tropo203.orl.voxeo.net |
    |     |    |           |sessionGUID=0 sessionNumber=0 callID=0          |
    |00012|0000|02:18:47 AM|Application[myURL ver(1.0.56092) has been       |
    |     |    |           |created.                                        |
    |00013|0000|02:18:47 AM|Found hosted Application[myURL ver(1.0.56092)   |
    |     |    |           |[token=myToken]                                 |
    |00014|0000|02:18:47 AM|Set logging context for http/  |
    |     |    |           |to accountID=107029 host=tropo203.orl.voxeo.net |
    |     |    |           |sessionGUID=0 sessionNumber=0 callID=0          |
    |00015|0000|02:18:47 AM|Application[myURL ver(1.0.56092) has been found.|
    |00016|0000|02:18:47 AM|Set logging context for http/  |
    |     |    |           |to accountID=107029 host=tropo203.orl.voxeo.net |
    |     |    |           |sessionGUID=0                                   |
    |     |    |           |sessionNumber=a8f0ba032d2a377e8fdcc8b68d82c766  |
    |     |    |           |callID=0                                        | 
    |00017|0000|02:18:47 AM|Thread http/ acquired engine   |
    |     |    |           |QuercusScriptEngine[] of type php,              |
    |     |    |           |activeEngines = 5                               |
    |00018|0000|02:18:47 AM|Thread http/ got engine to     |
    |     |    |           |compile script                                  |
    |00019|0000|02:18:47 AM|?><?php    // line 1121                         |
    |00020|0000|02:18:47 AM|if ($currentCall != null)    // line 1122       |
    |00021|0000|02:18:47 AM|{    // line 1123                               |
    |00022|0000|02:18:47 AM|    say("I'm sorry, but I can not find or       |
    |     |    |           |compile the Tropo script for this phone number."|
    |     |    |           |);    // line 1124                              |
    |00023|0000|02:18:47 AM| hangup();    // line 1125                      |
    |00024|0000|02:18:47 AM|}    // line 1126                               |
    |00025|0000|02:18:47 AM|?>    // line 1127                              |
    |00026|0000|02:18:47 AM|Thread http/ returning engine  |
    |     |    |           |after compiling script                          |
    |00027|0000|02:18:47 AM|Thread http/ returned engine   |
    |     |    |           |QuercusScriptEngine[] of type php,              |
    |     |    |           |activeEngines = 4                               |
    |00028|0000|02:18:47 AM|In SimpleApplication.execute() for token launch,|
    |     |    |           |HttpSession                                     |
    |     |    |           |hssn-9541A863A42B7294412DF27003FE67BF associated|
    |     |    |           |with SipApplicationSession                      |
    |     |    |           |sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo                    |
    |00029|0000|02:18:47 AM|SipApplicationSession                           |
    |     |    |           |sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo associated with    |
    |     |    |           |Tropo session a8f0ba032d2a377e8fdcc8b68d82c766  |
    |00030|0000|02:18:47 AM|customerName:Kent is added into the context  of |
    |     |    |           |app instance : ApplicationInstance[myURL,       |
    |     |    |           |sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo]                   |
    |00031|0000|02:18:47 AM|numberToDial:2087401235 is added into the       |
    |     |    |           |context  of app instance : ApplicationInstance[ |
    |     |    |           |myURL , sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo]           |
    |00032|0000|02:18:47 AM|action:create is added into the context  of app |
    |     |    |           |instance : ApplicationInstance[myURL ,          | 
    |     |    |           |sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo]                   |
    |00033|0000|02:18:47 AM|format:xml is added into the context  of app    |
    |     |    |           |instance : ApplicationInstance[myURL ,          |
    |     |    |           |sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo]                   |
    |00034|0000|02:18:47 AM|msg:XML Test is added into the context  of app  |
    |     |    |           |instance : ApplicationInstance[myURL ,          | 
    |     |    |           |sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo]                   |
    |00035|0000|02:18:47 AM|ApplicationInstance[myURL ,                     |
    |     |    |           |sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo] has been created. |
    |00036|0000|02:18:47 AM|com.voxeo.tropo.core.SimpleCallFactory@44d6123f |
    |     |    |           |is added into the context of app instance :     |
    |     |    |           |ApplicationInstance[myURL ,                     |
    |     |    |           |sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo]                   |
    |00037|0000|02:18:47 AM|Clearing logging context for                    |
    |     |    |           |http/                          |
    |00038|0000|02:18:47 AM|Set logging context for                         |
    |     |    |           |Tropo-Thread-a8f0ba032d2a377e8fdcc8b68d82c766   |
    |     |    |           |to accountID=107029 host=tropo203.orl.voxeo.net | 
    |     |    |           |sessionGUID=0                                   |
    |     |    |           |sessionNumber=a8f0ba032d2a377e8fdcc8b68d82c766  |
    |     |    |           |callID=-1                                       | 
    |00039|0000|02:18:47 AM|ApplicationInstance[myURL ,                     |
    |     |    |           |sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo] starts execution  | 
    |     |    |           |on Thread                                       |
    |     |    |           |Tropo-Thread-a8f0ba032d2a377e8fdcc8b68d82c766   |
    |00040|0000|02:18:47 AM|Thread                                          |
    |     |    |           |Tropo-Thread-a8f0ba032d2a377e8fdcc8b68d82c766   |
    |     |    |           |acquired engine QuercusScriptEngine[] of type   |
    |     |    |           |php, activeEngines = 5                          |
    |00041|0000|02:18:47 AM|ApplicationInstance[myURL ,                     |
    |     |    |           |sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo] replaced script   |
    |     |    |           |engine [QuercusScriptEngine[]] -->              |
    |     |    |           |[QuercusScriptEngine[]] in field <_engine>      |
    |00042|0000|02:18:47 AM|ApplicationInstance[myURL ,                     |
    |     |    |           |sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo] ends execution on |
    |     |    |           |Thread                                          |
    |     |    |           |Tropo-Thread-a8f0ba032d2a377e8fdcc8b68d82c766   |
    |00043|0000|02:18:47 AM|Thread                                          |
    |     |    |           |Tropo-Thread-a8f0ba032d2a377e8fdcc8b68d82c766   |
    |     |    |           |returned engine QuercusScriptEngine[] of type   | 
    |     |    |           |php, activeEngines = 4                          |
    |00044|0000|02:18:47 AM|sas_2-14-sm86gosslpnlz6tropo invalidated        |
    |00045|0000|02:18:47 AM|Instance a8f0ba032d2a377e8fdcc8b68d82c766       |
    |     |    |           |removed                                         |
    |00046|0000|02:18:47 AM|Clearing logging context for                    |
    |     |    |           |Tropo-Thread-a8f0ba032d2a377e8fdcc8b68d82c766   |

1 回答 1


看起来这里有一些混乱/问题,所以我会尽力为你解决所有问题。我想讨论的第一件事是会话 API 的 XML 发布是完全可选的,它只是您可以提交“令牌请求”以启动出站呼叫的一种方式。如果你在让它工作时遇到问题,让我们跳过它,直接从浏览器尝试“plane jane”HTTP GET,直到你觉得最舒服:


现在回到脚本本身,我找到了你的 accountID(是的,我在Voxeo Labs / Tropo工作:P),我注意到了一些事情。首先,您拼错了应用程序 startURL,我几乎可以肯定您的意思是 ExternalPhoneHelper.php,但是您输入了 ExterMalPhoneHelper.php,因此您需要先解决这个问题。现在第二件事,您的文件实际上是空白的,除了 PHP 标记。

所以如果你想打电话说点什么,你可以使用 call(); 说();或者您可以只使用组合/快捷方式 message(); Tropo 脚本中的方法:

 message("Received office voice mail.", array("to" => "+14075550100"));

现在回到最后一个问题,如何在 Tropo 应用程序上下文中获取发布的数据?好消息是,这很简单,我们实际上将这些作为全局变量在您的应用程序中,因此 numberToDial 查询字符串参数变为 $numberToDial,例如:

 message($msg, array("to" => "+".$numberToDial));

我真的希望这会有所帮助,如果您仍然遇到麻烦,请联系我们的支持团队,或者在 freenode (#tropo) 上的 IRC 中找到我们。我的手柄是染色机,我经常在频道里潜伏;)



于 2012-01-03T03:20:24.613 回答