将它们放在一个表中,比如 zz.map: QString -> QVariant,
然后使用 zz.map.value(key, default) 获取它们的值。一个例子:
#include "ztest.h"
Ztest zz;
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
zz.eqargs( ++ argv ); // scan test=2 x=str ... to zz.map
QString xx = zz.map.value( "xx", "" );
if( Zint( Size, 10 )) // a #def -> zz.map.value( "Size", 10 )
< 1 页,以下;Python 相同 ~ 10 行。
为了使 QPoints 等工作,当然需要一个 QString -> QPoint 解析器。任何人都知道为什么这不起作用(在 Qt 4.4.3 中)?
QPoint pt(0,0);
QDataStream s( "QPoint(1,2)" );
s >> pt;
qDebug() << "pt:" << pt; // QPoint(1364225897,1853106225) ??
新增 25nov --
// ztest.h: scan args x=2 s=str ... to a key -> string table
// usage:
// Ztest ztest;
// int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
// {
// QApplication app( argc, argv );
// ztest.eqargs( ++ argv ); // scan leading args name=value ...
// int x = Zint( x, 10 ); // arg x= or default 10
// qreal ff = Zreal( ff, 3.14 );
// QString s = Zstr( s, "default" );
// care: int misspelled = Zint( misspellled ) -- you lose
//version: 2009-06-09 jun denis
#ifndef ztest_h
#define ztest_h
#include <QHash>
#include <QString>
#include <QVariant>
#include <QRegExp>
class Ztest {
QHash< QString, QVariant > map;
int test; // arg test=num, if( ztest.test )
Ztest() : test( 0 ) {}
QVariant val( const QString& key, const QVariant& default_ = 0 )
return map.value( key, default_ );
void setval( const QString& key, const QVariant& val )
map[key] = val;
if( key == "test" || key == "Test" )
test = val.toInt();
// ztest.eqargs( ++ argv ) scans test=2 x=3 ... -> ztest table
void eqargs( char** argv )
char** argv0 = argv;
char *arg;
QRegExp re( "(\\w+)=(.*)" ); // name= anything, but not ./file=name
for( ; (arg = *argv) && re.exactMatch( arg ); argv ++ ){
setval( re.cap(1), re.cap(2) );
// change argv[0..] -> args after all name=values
while(( *argv0++ = *argv++) != 0 ) {}
extern Ztest ztest;
// macros: int x = Zint( x, 10 ): x= arg or default 10
#define Zstr( key, default ) ztest.val( #key, default ).toString()
#define Zint( key, default ) ztest.val( #key, default ).toInt()
#define Zreal( key, default ) ztest.val( #key, default ).toDouble()