我们以本问题末尾的格式将数据库定义存储为 XML。我遇到的问题是获取模式列表、这些模式中的表、这些表中的列(所有这些都带有相关信息)。我当前的代码(包含在示例 XML 下方)抓取所有内容,完全忽略嵌套,并且由于多个模式,多次返回每个表/列。
示例 XML:
<comment>comment string2</comment>
<nullable>not null3</nullable>
<comment>comment string3</comment>
<nullable>not null4</nullable>
<comment>comment string4</comment>
<comment>comment string6</comment>
<nullable>not null7</nullable>
<comment>comment string7</comment>
XDocument xml_input = XDocument.Load(FILE_IN);
string column_create = "";
//build a list of all schemas in xml
var schemas = from s in xml_input.Descendants("schema")
select new
name = s.Element("name").Value
//loop through all schemas
foreach (var s in schemas)
//write the schema creation lines
Console.WriteLine("DROP SCHEMA IF EXISTS " + s.name + ";");
Console.WriteLine("CREATE SCHEMA " + s.name + ";");
//build a list of all tables in schema
var tables = from t in xml_input.Descendants("schema")
select new
name = t.Element("name").Value,
comment = t.Element("comment").Value,
type = t.Element("type").Value
//loop through all tables in schema
foreach (var t in tables)
//write the beginning of the table creation lines
Console.WriteLine("CREATE TABLE " + s.name + "." + t.name + " (");
//build a list of all columns in the schema
var columns = from c in xml_input.Descendants("schema")
select new
name = c.Element("name").Value,
type = c.Element("type").Value,
size = c.Element("size").Value,
comment = c.Element("comment").Value
//loop through all columns in table
foreach (var c in columns)
//build the column creation line
column_create = c.name + " " + c.type;
if (c.size != null)
column_create += "(" + c.size + ")";
if (c.comment != null)
column_create += " COMMENT '" + c.comment + "'";
column_create += ", ";
//write the column creation line
//write the end of the table creation lines
if (t.comment != null)
Console.WriteLine("COMMENT '" + t.comment + "'");
if (t.type != null)
Console.WriteLine("TYPE = " + t.type);
关于如何保留嵌套结构的任何想法?我也无法处理可选的 XML 元素(例如表格注释或大小字段,它们不适用于所有数据类型)。