我已经注册了一个移动应用程序课程,并且正在考虑放弃它,因为我们正在使用 Google App Inventor 来创建应用程序。

我看过一些视频,它似乎太基础了,面向非程序员。我有一些使用 Android SDK 的经验,并且觉得学习 App Inventor 正在退化,这是一种只制作​​简单应用程序的有趣方式。是这样吗?您在 App Inventor 中是否比在 Eclipse w/Java 中编程更受限制?“编程”的图形方式使它看起来如此。有经验的能评论一下吗?



5 回答 5


尽管图形编程从来没有像编码那样提供如此多的控制,但这并不一定使它成为一件坏事。这实际上取决于您需要多少控制,以及您需要用它做什么。如果您正在做一个具有漂亮 UI 的简单本地应用程序,那么使用 App Inventor 可能会更容易。即使在 SDK 中,您也将使用图形工具来设计 UI。当然,您可以直接使用 XML,但是拥有 WYSIWYG 来设计这些东西总是很好的。

话虽如此,就我个人而言,我会尝试学习 SDK,因为它为您提供了更全面的工具。它还将教您更多开发 Android 应用程序的细节。另外,如果您想在未来成为真正的 Android 应用程序开发人员,它将为您提供更多的先机和知识库。

于 2011-12-31T01:31:52.040 回答

凭借我对 appinventor 的了解,我也有同样的感觉。另一件需要注意的事情是谷歌从 2012 年 1 月开始放弃应用程序发明者。如果你有一些知识,我建议使用 Android sdk 和 eclipse。

于 2011-12-31T01:30:47.627 回答

这是真的。我肯定会建议直接使用 SDK 进入框架,而不是使用 App Inventor。它非常简单且基于模板,实施灵活性不大。直接使用 Android 是更好的 IMO,您可以在外观/感觉以及应用程序的编程元素方面获得更大的灵活性。

于 2011-12-31T01:31:57.753 回答

App Inventor was designed for people who do not know conventional programming languages. It sounds as though you do. If you want to learn App Inventor, you can easily do so on your own. It would be a waste of your time to take a class on it.

To answer the other part of your question, yes, what you can do in App Inventor is far more limited than what you can do with the full Android Java SDK.

Since App Inventor is about to be released open source, you can combine the two, should you wish to, by using the Java SDK to extend App Inventor.

The new MIT Center for Mobile Learning has information on running your own App Inventor server or using theirs. As other respondents have indicated, Google is about to pull the plug on their App Inventor service.

于 2011-12-31T16:07:34.147 回答

Graphical programming can be handy for some simple jobs like creating a few activities to roam around in; that would be perfectly acceptable. However all the trouble you would have to go through to dynamically create items or create a game would surpass the difficulties of learning your way around Java and the Android SDK. Which one you choose completely depends on the type of project you want to make. App Inventor could either hinder you or speed up your development drastically. Another thing to keep in mind is that Google is ending support on Google Labs and App Inventor, which could discourage some people.

于 2011-12-31T03:57:55.923 回答