例如:Good Morning
会用轻松的声音,而The nuclear plant is about to melt down
我知道我可以改变播放速度,但有什么更聪明的东西我不知道吗?其他 TTS 引擎是否支持这一点(并且它们中的任何一个都是开源的)?
例如:Good Morning
会用轻松的声音,而The nuclear plant is about to melt down
我知道我可以改变播放速度,但有什么更聪明的东西我不知道吗?其他 TTS 引擎是否支持这一点(并且它们中的任何一个都是开源的)?
Are you using VoiceXML for the application? Regardless, if the TTS engine support the SSML standard you should be able to use the emphasis tag which will indicate that the TTS engine should put emphasis on the phrase within the tag. You are probably controlling the speed with the prosody tag which is also part of SSML.
Check out this online demo for Loquendo TTS. It provides more expression based on punctuation and allows you to insert items like yawns, sneezes and laughing. I think it is one of the better TTS engines out there, and Nuance must have thought so also because they just acquired them. It is not open source though.
Voxeo provides a free TTS engine on their Prophecy IVR which supports the emphasis tag. There are several open source TTS engines available but they will not be as rich or sound nearly as good as something like Loquendo. Just see if they support SSML.