以下问题来自 Vazirani 等人的动态规划一章。人。

[6.6]让我们在三个符号a上定义一个乘法运算(×);乙; c 根据下表:


因此,a × a = b 、 a × b = b 等。

找到一个有效的算法来检查这些符号的字符串,比如说bbbbac,并决定是否可以将字符串括起来,使得结果表达式的值是a。例如,在输入时,bbbbac您的算法应该返回yes,因为((b(bb))(ba))c = a.



TFT xor T


我们可以将orandxor视为遵循某些规则(T xor F = T 等)并作用于取值 T 或 F 的操作数的运算符。

对于我们最初的问题,我们可以将 a,b,c 视为具有乘法 (x) 的操作数,如给定表所定义的那样提供规则。



3 回答 3


是的,您的方法应该类似于您提到的问题。一般来说,如果有n 个符号(而不是你在这个问题中提到的 3 个或你给出链接的问题中的 2 个),你应该做这样的事情 -

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

#define MAXL 500
#define MAXN 100

int     isPossible[MAXL][MAXL][MAXN];
int     matrix[MAXN][MAXN]; //multiplication table
char    str[MAXN+1];
int     L;

int go(int start, int end, int need) {
    if(start > end) return 0;
    if(isPossible[start][end][need] != -1) return isPossible[start][end][need];

    int i,x,y;
    for(i = start; i < end; i++) {
        for(x = 0; x < MAXN; x++) {//you can optimize these x & y loops by pre-determining which combinations can give you 'need'
            for(y = 0; y < MAXN; y++) if(matrix[x][y] == need) {
                if(go(start, i, x)==1 && go(i+1, end, y)==1 ) {
                    isPossible[start][end][need] = 1;
                    return 1;
    return 0;

int main() {
    while(scanf(" %s",str)==1) {
        L = strlen(str);
        memset(isPossible, -1, sizeof(isPossible));
        go(0, L-1, 'a');
    return 0;


于 2011-12-28T07:38:04.370 回答

特别是对于问题中给出的产品规则,我试图在输入中找到给出解决方案的模式,但很快发现在没有解决方案的输入中找到模式更容易。例如:b*或者c*甚至c*b*不允许一个解决方案。查看 3 长、4 长、5 长的输入,我可以为没有解决方案的输入推导出这个正则表达式模式:




我对最多 10 个字符的所有可能输入进行了测试,没有出现新的模式。






这是在交互式 JavaScript 片段中实现的想法(可以轻松地采用不同的乘法矩阵)。输入输入,如果有解决方案将立即出现。输入大小限制为 28 个字符,因为对于较长的输入,该过程需要太多时间才能愉快地工作。


const a = 0, b = 1, c = 2;

const mul = [
    [b, b, a],
    [c, b, a],
    [a, c, c]

function solve(str, outcome) {
    // Convert input letters to numbers (a -> 0, b -> 1, ...etc)
    const expr = Array.from(str.toLowerCase(), ch => ch.charCodeAt() - "a".charCodeAt());
    const memo = new Map;
    function recur(start, end) {
        let key = start * str.length + end; // unique identifier for the range (start, end)
        let solution = memo.get(key); // retrieve from memoization
        if (!solution) {  // Not memoized yet
            solution = Array(mul.length).fill("");  // Start by indicating it is not possible to get any outcome
            if (start + 1 === end) {  // base case with one value
                solution[expr[start]] = str[start];
            } else if (start + 2 === end) {  // base case with two values
                solution[mul[expr[start]][expr[start+1]]] = "(" + str.slice(start, end) + ")";
            } else {   // Case for which recursion will be used
                let unsolvedCount = mul.length;
                // Split expression at any possible point
                for (let split = start + 1; split < end; split++) {
                    const left = recur(start, split);
                    const right = recur(split, end);
                    for (const leftRes in mul) {
                        if (left[leftRes]) {  // For every possible solution at the left
                            for (const rightRes in mul) {
                                if (right[rightRes]) {  // ... and every possible solution at the right
                                    const product = mul[leftRes][rightRes]; // ... perform the product
                                    if (!solution[product]) {  // We didn't have this outcome yet
                                        solution[product] = "(" + left[leftRes] + right[rightRes] + ")";
                                        // Allow for quick exit when for all possible outcomes we have a solution
                                        if (unsolvedCount === 0) return solution;
            memo.set(key, solution); // Remember the work done for this range
        return solution;
    // Get the solution for the wanted outcome and remove the outermost parentheses, if any.
    // An empty string means there is no solution with that outcome
    return recur(0, expr.length)[outcome].replace(/^\(|\)$/g, "");

const regex = /^(c*([ab]?a?a?b+)?|(aa|b|c*a)c*a|bac*(ab)?b*)$/;

// I/O handling:

let input = document.querySelector("input");
let outputs = document.querySelectorAll("span");

input.addEventListener("input", refresh);

function refresh() {
    let str = input.value;
    if (!/^[abc]*$/.test(str)) {
        outputs[0].textContent = "Invalid input";
        outputs[1].textContent = "";
    let solution = solve(str, a);
    outputs[0].textContent = solution || "No solution";
    let decision = !regex.test(str);
    outputs[1].textContent = decision ? "There is a solution" : "No solution";
Input: <input size="28" maxlength="28"><br>
Solution: <span></span><br>
Regex:  <span></span>

于 2021-09-27T14:40:33.187 回答

我们可以通过动态规划伪算法来解决这个问题, 可以在这里找到。

* Parenthesizing a string so that expression takes a given value
import java.util.*;
class Solution
static boolean func(int[][] matrix, int[] str, int n, int symbol)
    Set<Integer>[][] T = new Set[n][n];

    // Assign the value
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++)
        T[i][i] = new HashSet<Integer>();

     for(int gap = 1; gap<n; gap++)
         for( int i = 0, j = gap; j<n; i++, j++)
             T[i][j] =  new HashSet<Integer>();

             for(int k=i; k < i+gap; k++)
                 Iterator<Integer> outer = T[i][k].iterator();
                     int elementOuter = outer.next();
                     Iterator<Integer> inner = T[k+1][j].iterator();
                         int elementInner = inner.next();
                         int val = matrix[elementOuter][elementInner];

         return true;
     return false;

public static void main(String args[] ) throws Exception 
    int[] stringNew = {1, 1, 1, 1, 0}; // for String "bbbbac"
    int element = 3;
     * Here a -> 0       
     *      b -> 1
     *      c -> 2
     *      Table                  Equivalent Table
     *      * a b c         \      * 0 1 2
     *      a b b a    ------\     0 1 1 0
     *      b c b a    ------/     1 2 1 0
     *      c a c c         /      2 0 2 2
    int     matrix[][] = {{1, 1, 0},{2, 1, 0},{0, 2, 2}}; //multiplication table

    System.out.println(func(matrix, stringNew, stringNew.length, 0));
于 2015-11-05T16:36:47.790 回答