
我想知道是否有其他解决方案、API 和可能性来做到这一点。


2 回答 2


Your best bet would probably be with searching for bluetooth devices.

Most phones have a class 2 bluetooth radio which is generally rated at a range of 10 m, but it can very greatly on the environment (for example, you would notice significant packet loss transmitting through even a small amount of water, such as in a person.) On the other side of the coin, the radio could detect devices up to 100 m away if there were nothing but air between the two devices.

The main problem with this is that you would have to require bluetooth to be active, which a lot of users might not have by default.

于 2011-12-27T23:58:57.837 回答

有人谈论点对点 wifi 连接,但不确定状态。会给你比蓝牙更远的距离。还有一个图书馆

Android 可以做点对点的 ad-hoc 网络吗?

还有一个来自 qualcomm 的库


于 2011-12-27T17:41:12.217 回答