I have the following interface for a baseball-draft oriented hobby project of mine that lets a team owner build a set of criteria to rank players on:
Clicking the attributes will add that attribute to the list, give it an importance factor and a sort direction.
In Rails 2 and Rails 3 (with the prototype helpers) - I did this by having the following:
<div class="rankingvaluecloud">
<% @rankingattributes.each do |attributename| %>
<li><%= add_ranking_attribute_link(attributename) %></li>
<% end %>
<div id="rankingattributes">
Where "add_ranking_attribute_link(attributename)" is:
def add_ranking_attribute_link(attributename)
link_to_function attributename do |page|
page.insert_html :bottom, :rankingattributes, :partial => 'ranking_attribute', :locals => {:attributename => attributename }
I'm converting this to jquery, but I'm not sure the best way to do it - mainly because of the loop involved. I can do this:
<div class="rankingvaluecloud">
<% @rankingattributes.each do |attributename| %>
<li><%= link_to(attributename,'#',:class => 'attributeappend', :onclick => "$('#rankingattributes').append('#{escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'ranking_attribute',:locals => {:attributename => attributename}))}')") %></li>
<% end %>
<div id="rankingattributes">
Which is basically just replacing the link_to_function. But is there a better way? The ujs way would have me doing something like:
$(".attributeappend).click(function() {
$('#rankingattributes').append('#{escape_javascript(render(:partial => 'ranking_attribute',:locals => {:attributename => attributename}))}')
But that doesn't work out outside the loop because of the attributename handling. I honestly get a bit lost mixing in erb and javascript - and don't know a good way of passing attributename as a param to the javascript function to insert back into the render partial without a fragile cascade of debugging erb and javascript syntax errors, both of which are frustrating to debug.
There has to be a better way though (and I'm sure there's a better interface for this, suggestions welcome!).