
我试图用powershell来做到这一点。我编写了一个脚本,用户将在其中使用 powershell 调用 mstsc。它将记录谁已登录以及何时登录。但我想知道有人从 mstsc 注销或断开 mstsc 的时间。有什么方法可以使用 powershell 在日志文件中捕获该信息。关闭可用于它的 mstsc 时是否会触发任何事件?


4 回答 4


我编写了一个基于Cassia的 PowerShell 模块 PSTerminalServices ( http://psterminalservices.codeplex.com ) 。这是一个示例命令输出:

PS> Get-TSSession | fl *

IPAddress          :
State              : Active
ApplicationName    :
Local              : False
RemoteEndPoint     :
InitialProgram     :
WorkingDirectory   :
ClientProtocolType : Console
ClientProductId    : 0
ClientHardwareId   : 0
ClientDirectory    :
ClientDisplay      : Cassia.Impl.ClientDisplay
ClientBuildNumber  : 0
Server             : Cassia.Impl.TerminalServer
ClientIPAddress    :
WindowStationName  : Console
DomainName         : homelab
UserAccount        : homelab\shay
ClientName         :
ConnectionState    : Active
ConnectTime        : 12/15/2011 2:47:02 PM
CurrentTime        : 12/23/2011 4:35:21 PM
DisconnectTime     :
LastInputTime      :
LoginTime          : 12/15/2011 3:11:58 PM
IdleTime           : 00:00:00
SessionId          : 1
UserName           : shay
于 2011-12-23T14:41:36.970 回答

您可以使用Cassia获取 rdp 会话信息(可以定期记录到日志文件中)。

这是一个如何在 Powershell 中使用 cassia 的快速示例:

$manager = new-object Cassia.TerminalServicesManager
$server = $manager.GetRemoteServer("<name of your server>")


ClientDisplay     : Cassia.Impl.ClientDisplay
ClientBuildNumber : 0
Server            : Cassia.Impl.TerminalServer
ClientIPAddress   : 
WindowStationName : 
DomainName        : CONTOSO
UserAccount       : CONTOSO\admin
ClientName        : 
ConnectionState   : Disconnected
ConnectTime       : 22/12/2011 19:02:00
CurrentTime       : 23/12/2011 9:00:42
DisconnectTime    : 22/12/2011 22:22:35
LastInputTime     : 22/12/2011 22:22:35
LoginTime         : 22/12/2011 10:40:21
IdleTime          : 10:38:06.4220944
SessionId         : 33
UserName          : admin
于 2011-12-23T08:12:50.733 回答

如果您可以与服务器本身建立 RPC 连接,您可以使用QWinsta.exe查看谁在登录 TS,并使用RWinsta.exe远程关闭连接(请参阅远程管理终端服务会话

于 2011-12-23T08:47:50.273 回答

我每 15 分钟运行一次这个函数,它依赖于模块 PSTerminalServices。基本上它的作用是,它会拉取最后一次有人 RDP 进入,然后将其存储在 XML 中,如果存在则覆盖旧值,如果当前没有人登录,则返回 XML 中的最新值。

Function Get-LastLogonTime


Get-LastLogonTime returns the last date that someone logged on to a computer.


Get-LastLogonTime returns the last date that someone logged to a computer.
If admin rights are missing on the server it will return False.


Get-LastLogonTime "nameofcomputer"


gets last access time from the user folder


[Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)]$ComputerName
    $StoredRDPSessions = Import-Clixml "RDPSessions.xml"

    $myobj = "" | select ComputerName, LastAccessedDate, UserName
    $myobj.ComputerName = $ComputerName
    $LastConnectedUser = Get-TSSession -ComputerName $ComputerName | where `
        ($_.WindowStationName -ne "Services") -and `
        ($_.State -ne "Listening") -and `
        ($_.WindowStationName -ne "Console")
    } | sort-object -property LastAccessTime -Descending
    if($LastConnectedUser -is [array])
        $myobj.LastAccessedDate = $LastConnectedUser[0].ConnectTime
        $myobj.UserName = $LastConnectedUser[0].UserName
        $myobj.LastAccessedDate = $LastConnectedUser.ConnectTime
        $myobj.UserName = $LastConnectedUser.UserName
        $myobj.LastAccessedDate = $Null
        $myobj.UserName = "Unknown"
    if(($myobj.LastAccessedDate) -and ($myobj.UserName))
        $StoredRDPSession = $StoredRDPSessions | where {$_.ComputerName -eq $ComputerName}
            if($myobj.LastAccessedDate -gt $StoredRDPSession.LastAccessedDate)
                write-verbose "Newer LastAccessedDate, updating XML"
                $StoredRDPSession.LastAccessedDate = $myobj.LastAccessedDate
                $StoredRDPSession.UserName = $myobj.UserName
                $StoredRDPSessions | Export-Clixml "RDPSessions.xml"
            write-verbose "No Entry found Adding to XML"
            $NewStoredRDPSessions = @()
            $StoredRDPSessions | % {$NewStoredRDPSessions += $_}
            $NewStoredRDPSessions += $myobj
            $NewStoredRDPSessions | Export-Clixml "RDPSessions.xml"

    if((!($myobj.LastAccessedDate)) -and $StoredRDPSessions)
        write-verbose "no current session, pulling from stored XML"
        $StoredRDPSession = $StoredRDPSessions | where {$_.ComputerName -eq $ComputerName}
            $myobj.LastAccessedDate = $StoredRDPSession.LastAccessedDate
            $myobj.UserName = $StoredRDPSession.UserName
            write-verbose "Sadness, nothing stored in XML either."
    write-verbose "Get-LastLogonTime $ComputerName - $($myobj.LastAccessedDate) - $($myobj.UserName)"
    Return $myobj
于 2012-01-24T21:25:15.497 回答