我想使用 python 的 multiprocessing 模块运行多个 gearman 工作进程,但似乎该进程是以顺序模式执行的。如果我在多个终端中运行单独的 worker.py 程序,那么它工作正常。但是我想减轻在很多终端中手动指定 worker.py 的负担。有没有其他选择?
import sys , os , simplejson
from fabric import *
from fabric.api import *
import gearman
from gearman import GearmanWorker
from multiprocessing import Pool
##--Global Variables--##
#Spawing minimun 5 worker threads for Gearman
#executing the Job. gmJob consist of dict[host , cmd , pass]
def exe_job(gmWorker , gmJob ):
print " the worker process is " , os.getpid()
d = simplejson.loads(gmJob.data)
env.host_string = d['host']
env.password = d['pass'] #will store the password .
cmds = d['cmd']
print cmds
for i in cmds:
sudo (i ) # using fabric functions to ssh into system
return "job sucessfull"
def start_exe():
#woker node id to be specified in here
gm_worker = gearman.GearmanWorker(['localhost:4730'])
if __name__ == '__main__':
p = Pool(5)
result = p.apply_async(start_exe)
print result.get()