common-js utils 中的 JSON Schema 验证是否支持引用?我不能用https://github.com/kriszyp/commonjs-utils/blob/master/json-schema.js做到这一点


  "type" : "object",
  "required" : true,
  "properties" : {
    "id" : {
      "type" : "number",
      "required" : true
    "related" : {
      "type" : "array",
      "required" : true,
      "items" : {"$ref": "$#"}



1 回答 1


我不知道,但是您的 ref 似乎是错误的,请删除“$”符号,即:

"items" : {"$ref": "#"}

这是我在 json 论坛上发布的关于参考的复制粘贴帖子:

根据草案 03,这里是我对指定 id 并从任何地方引用它的理解。如果有问题,请发表评论。案例写在下面:我从中检索架构的 uri b。架构得到了 c。如何引用此架构

1. A schema without any "id" property
I fetch :   http://someSite.com/somePath
I get : { }
I can ref it :  {"$ref":"http://someSite.com/somePath#"}

2. Same absolute id and uri path
I fetch :   http://someSite.com/somePath
I get : {"id":"http://someSite.com/somePath#"}
I can ref it :  {"$ref":"http://someSite.com/somePath#"}

3. Different absolute id and path
I fetch :   http://someSite.com/somePath
I get : {"id":"http://anotherSite.com/anotherPath#"}
I can ref it :  {"$ref":"http://anotherSite.com/anotherPath#"}

4. Relative - a fragment
I fetch :   http://someSite.com/somePath
I get : {"id":"#something"}
I can ref it :  {"$ref":"http://someSite.com/somePath#something"}

5. Relative path and fragment
I fetch :   http://someSite.com/somePath
I get : {"id":"/oneMore/path#something"}
I can ref it :  {"$ref":"http://someSite.com/somePath/oneMore/path#something"}

6. Relative path from file
I fetch :   file:///someFolder/someFile
I get : {"id":"/oneMore/path#something"}
I can ref it :  {"$ref":"file:///someFolder/someFile/oneMore/path#something"}

7. Inner schema (sub schema) with id "#subschema" (no id for the main schema)
I fetch :   http://someSite.com/somePath
I get : {"properties" : { "aKeyName" : { "id":"#subschema" }}}
I can ref it :  {"$ref":"http://someSite.com/somePath#subschema"}

8. Inner schema (sub schema) with id "#subschema" 
I fetch :   http://someSite.com/somePath
I get : { {"id":"#mainSchema"}, "properties" : { "aKeyName" : { "id":"#subschema" }} }
I can ref it :  {"$ref":"http://someSite.com/somePath#subschema"}
I can also do:   {"$ref":"http://someSite.com/somePath#mainSchema/properties/aKeyName"}

9. Inner schema (within the property under the "aKeyName") but no id at all 
I fetch :   http://someSite.com/somePath
I get : { "properties" : { "aKeyName" : { }} }
can ref it:  {"$ref":"http://someSite.com/somePath#/properties/aKeyName"}

10. Inner schema (sub schema) with a main custom absolute uri" 
I fetch :   http://someSite.com/somePath
I get : { {"id":"scheme://something"}, "properties" : { "aKeyName" : { "id":"#subschema" }} }
I can ref it :  {"$ref":"scheme://something#subschema"}
I can also do:   {"$ref":"scheme://something#/properties/aKeyName"}

11. Inner schema  with it's own absolute uri" 
I fetch :   http://someSite.com/somePath
I get : { {"id":"#main"}, "properties" : { "aKeyName" : { "id":"http://domain.com/subSchema" }} }
I can ref it :  {"$ref":"http://domain.com/subSchema#"}
于 2012-01-31T16:59:25.890 回答