假设给定一个具有 4 个蓝色顶点和 4 个红色顶点的二分图。目前我会
Start with an arbitrary blue,
find all red that don't match this blue
put all these red in Independent Set
find all blue that dont match these red
put these blue in Independent Set
Repeat for next vertex in blue
Repeat all over again for all blue then all vertices in red.
1 1
1 3
2 1
2 3
3 1
3 3
4 2
4 4
Start with blue 1
Choose red 2 and 4 since they dont match
Add 2, 4 to independent Set
Choose 2 and 3 from blue since they dont with 2 or 4 from red
Add 2 and 3 from blue to independent set as well.
Independent Set = 1,2,3 from blue 2,4 from red
Repeat for blue 2, blue 3, ... red n (storing the cardinality for each set)
有没有办法改进这个算法以更好地搜索所有可能性。我知道|二部图的最大集| = |红色| + |蓝色| - |最大匹配|。
问题出现的可能性是,在第一次选择所有可能的红色以获得给定的蓝色时,如果这些红色连接到所有其他可能的蓝色,那么我的集合只有所有 1 个蓝色和其余红色。