var carousel = Ext.create('Ext.Carousel', {
fullscreen: 'true',
//load in views view clean instantiation using
// the widget.alias's defined in each view... yea
// For some reason, putting flex on these components... oh...
// Have to call directly in by just the xtype since these are just
// references..
items: [
xtype: 'Main'
xtype: 'CommentList'
var tabpanel = Ext.create('Ext.TabPanel', {
fullscreen: 'true',
tabBarPosition: 'bottom',
defaults: {
styleHtmlContent: true
//load in views view clean instantiation using
// the widget.alias's defined in each view... yea
// For some reason, putting flex on these components... oh...
// Have to call directly in by just the xtype since these are just
// references..
items: [
xtype: 'Main',
title: 'The Main',
iconCls: 'user'
xtype: 'CommentList',
title: 'Comments',
iconCls: 'user'
如您所见,它们几乎相同,除了一个是 TapPanel(添加了所需的默认配置),另一个是轮播。
其他一切都完全一样......这是我的 Sencha Touch 2.0 应用程序的 app.js 中的,它是按照 MVC 架构设计的。
不工作的 TabPanel 的结果是我只看到第一个视图(主)并且屏幕底部没有出现标签栏。