我正在玩 valueinjecter 并想知道当视图模型具有视图模型集合时如何对域进行视图模型?
public class MyDomain
public IList<MyOtherDomain> MyOtherDomains {get; set;}
public class MyOtherDomain
public string Name {get; set;}
public class MyMasterVM
public IList<MyOtherVm> MyOtherDomains {get; set;}
public class MyOtherVm
public string Name {get; set;}
现在我该如何注射?我是否需要使用 valueinjector 手动映射这些?
public ActionResult Method(MyMasterVM vm)
MyDomain d = new MyDomain();
// sample test
public class FooBar : TypeMapper<Foo, Bar>
public override Bar Map(Foo source, Bar target)
base.Map(source, target);
target.NoConvention = source.Name + source.Xyz + source.Props;
return target;
public void MapShouldMapCollectionPropertiesAndUseFooBarTypeMapper()
MapperFactory.AddMapper(new FooBar());
var foo = new Foo
Foos = new List<Foo>
new Foo{Name = "f1",Props = "v",Xyz = 19},
new Foo{Name = "f2",Props = "i",Xyz = 7},
new Foo{Name = "f3",Props = "v",Xyz = 3},
var bar = Mapper.Map<Foo, Bar>(foo);
Assert.AreEqual(foo.Foos.Count(), bar.Foos.Count());
var ffoos = foo.Foos.ToArray();
var bfoos = bar.Foos.ToArray();
for (var i = 0; i < ffoos.Count(); i++)
Assert.AreEqual(ffoos[i].Name, bfoos[i].Name);
Assert.AreEqual(ffoos[i].Name + ffoos[i].Xyz + ffoos[i].Props, bfoos[i].NoConvention);
// mine
public class Test : TypeMapper<IList<MyOtherVm>, IList<MyOtherDomain>>
public override IList<MyOtherDomain> Map(IList<MyOtherVm> source, IList<MyOtherDomain> target)
// not sure if I always have to call base
// mapping would happen here.
return base.Map(source, target);
MapperFactory.AddMapper(new Test());
IList<MyOtherDomain> otherDomains= new List<MyOtherDomain>();
MapperVj.Map(vm.MyOtherDomains , otherDomains);
我必须指定它是一个 IList 否则它似乎永远不会进入我的重写方法。