我正在编写一个程序来使用fabric 和gearman 远程执行一堆命令。
以下是 Gearman 的客户端代码
import sys , os , json
from fabric.api import *
import gearman
from gearman import GearmanClient
def check_request_status(job_request):
if job_request.complete:
print "Job %s finished! Result: %s - %s" % (job_request.job.unique, job_request.state, job_request.result)
elif job_request.timed_out:
print "Job %s timed out!" % job_request.unique
elif job_request.state == JOB_UNKNOWN:
print "Job %s connection failed!" % job_request.unique
#gearman client (test file)
gm_client = gearman.GearmanClient(['localhost:4730'])
# See gearman/job.py to see attributes on the GearmanJobRequest
d = {}
d['host'] = 'xyz.abc.com'
d['cmd'] = 'ls -l'
a = json.dumps(d)
completed_job_request = gm_client.submit_job("exe_job", a)
import sys , os , json
from fabric import *
from fabric.api import *
import gearman
from gearman import GearmanWorker
#executing the fab command . All the configurations are mentioned in fabfile.py
def exe_job(gmWorker , gmJob ):
#host = 'synergy.corp.yahoo.com'
#d = json.loads(gmJob)
#run (str(d[cmd]), str(d[host]))
d = json.loads(gmJob.data)
env.hoststring = [ str(d['host']) ]
run ( str(d['cmd']) )
return gmJob.data
#woker node id to be specified in here
gm_worker = gearman.GearmanWorker(['localhost:4730'])
问题是当我运行工作程序和客户端代码时,工作程序仍然要求我提供主机名,即使我已经提供了主机名。有没有其他方法可以在 Fabric 中设置主机名?我不打算产生一个子进程并运行结构 cmd。