我一直在解决加速 C++ 练习 8-5,我不想错过本书中的任何一个练习。

加速 C++ 练习 8-5 如下:

重新实现第 7 章中的gen_sentenceandxref函数以使用输出迭代器,而不是将它们的整个输出放在一个数据结构中。通过编写将输出迭代器直接附加到标准输出的程序来测试这些新版本,并将结果分别存储在list <string>map<string, vector<int> >中。

为了理解这个问题的范围和本书这一部分的当前知识——这个练习是关于通用函数模板和模板中迭代器使用的章节的一部分。之前的练习是实现<algorithm>库函数的简单版本,例如equal, find, copy, remove_copy_ifetc。


  • 使用输出迭代器
  • 将结果存储在map<string, vector<int> >


第 7 章中的外部参照函数:

// find all the lines that refer to each word in the input
map<string, vector<int> >
    xref(istream& in,
         vector<string> find_words(const string&) = split)
    string line;
    int line_number = 0;
    map<string, vector<int> > ret;

    // read the next line
    while (getline(in, line)) {

        // break the input line into words
        vector<string> words = find_words(line);

        // remember that each word occurs on the current line
        for (vector<string>::const_iterator it = words.begin();
             it != words.end(); ++it)
    return ret;


vector<string> split(const string& s)
    vector<string> ret;
    typedef string::size_type string_size;
    string_size i = 0;

    // invariant: we have processed characters `['original value of `i', `i)'
    while (i != s.size()) {
        // ignore leading blanks
        // invariant: characters in range `['original `i', current `i)' are all spaces
        while (i != s.size() && isspace(s[i]))

        // find end of next word
        string_size j = i;
        // invariant: none of the characters in range `['original `j', current `j)' is a space
        while (j != s.size() && !isspace(s[j]))

        // if we found some nonwhitespace characters
        if (i != j) {
            // copy from `s' starting at `i' and taking `j' `\-' `i' chars
            ret.push_back(s.substr(i, j - i));
            i = j;

    return ret;



1 回答 1


我在这里找到了有关练习的更多详细信息:https ://stackoverflow.com/questions/5608092/accelerated-c-exercise-8-5-wording-help :

template <class Out> 
void gen_sentence( const Grammar& g, string s, Out& out )


std::ostream_iterator<string> out_str (std::cout, " ");
gen_sentence(   g, "<sentence>", out_str   );

template <class Out, class In> 
void xref(   In& in, Out& out, vector<string> find_words( const string& ) = split   )


std::ostream_iterator<string> out_str (std::cout, " "); 
xref(   cin, out_str, find_url   ) ; 

坦率地说,我不得不得出结论,这个问题是不恰当的,特别是他们为xref: xref 指定了新接口的地方应该生成地图。std::inserter(map, map.end())但是,在这种情况下使用输出迭代器意味着使用。虽然您可以编写代码的编译版本,但这不会达到您的预期,因为map::insert只会忽略任何带有重复键的插入。


无论如何,这是代码(请注意,我为 发明了一个愚蠢的实现split,因为它既缺失又需要):

#include <map>
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>

std::vector<std::string> split(const std::string& str)
    std::istringstream iss(str);
    std::vector<std::string> result;

    return result;

// find all the lines that refer to each word in the input
template <typename OutIt>
OutIt xref(std::istream& in,
        OutIt out,
        std::vector<std::string> find_words(const std::string&) = split)
    std::string line;
    int line_number = 0;

    // read the next line
    while (getline(in, line)) {

        // break the input line into words
        std::vector<std::string> words = find_words(line);

        // remember that each word occurs on the current line
        for (std::vector<std::string>::const_iterator it = words.begin();
             it != words.end(); ++it)
            *out++ = std::make_pair(*it, line_number);

    return out;

int main(int argc, const char *argv[])
    std::map<std::string, int> index;

    std::ifstream file("/tmp/test.cpp");
    xref(file, std::inserter(index, index.end()));

    for(auto& entry: index)
        std::cout << entry.first << " first found on line " << entry.second << std::endl;
    for(std::map<std::string, int>::const_iterator it = index.begin();
        it != index.end();
        std::cout << it->first << " first found on line " << it->second << std::endl;

    return 0;
于 2011-12-18T13:41:31.463 回答