我看到Pentaho想就他们的软件向我收费。我如何才能获得仪表板的底层开源软件,以了解它可以做什么,而无需与 Pentaho 营销人员打交道?
5 回答
Most commercial open source editions have a community edition that the community hacks on if the license permits it*. Pentaho is no different from them and has a community edition.
In these cases, the "community edition" is not the same thing as the commercial product you would buy. You may find a lot of the gloss and even some, if not a lot of the features are missing. There's no support. Yadda yadda yadda. You get the picture.
*As others have noted, not all "open source" apps need to distribute the source code in the same way as, a GPL application would. Open source, in rawest forms, just means as a licensed user, you get to see the source code.
只是为了提供有关 pentaho 做什么和不提供什么的详细信息——他们确实提供了一个非常完整的 BI 平台作为社区版的一部分。
企业版包含的唯一内容是基于 Web 的仪表板设计器和其他一些零碎的东西 - 即根本没有。
如上所述,成为 pentaho 订阅客户的好处是他们提供支持,这对我们最终实施非常有用。
不过,也请查看他们的论坛 - 他们非常活跃,只要您的问题不是完整的新手问题,他们也会非常有帮助。尽管有支持协议,但我有时会使用论坛,因为我知道它可以更快。
"Open source" is not the same thing as "free" (either "as in beer" or "as in speech").
As much as I'm not a fan of Stallman in general, this article will probably help clear up the distictions a bit: Why "Open Source" misses the point of Free Software
Open Source != Free
IANAL, but I'd say you're bound to the license that the software is under.
Suds 可以从http://sourceforge.net/projects/pentaho/免费下载代码
他们也有一个 IRC 聊天频道,我发现它非常有帮助。