我正在做一个涉及ProspectsOffers的简单项目。该项目将与第三方邮件列表提供商集成,该提供商将使用 Prospect 对象来管理列表中的电子邮件地址,并使用 Offer 对象来管理活动。

我担心的一个问题是,任何邮件列表提供商(例如 MailChimp)都可能决定停止提供他们的服务,或者在未来更改条款。我不想让我的软件依赖于提供者,而是想让它依赖于通用接口,该接口可以使用使用不同邮件列表提供者的不同类重新实现。这样,如果确实发生了这样的事情,我只需编写一个新类并实例化旧类即可。

这似乎很容易实现。我的抽象类,包括在下面,定义了抽象方法,它们采用 Prospect 或 Offer 对象并对它们执行通用邮件列表相关函数,在需要时返回 true/false 或整数值。这个接口应该可以很好地满足我的应用程序的需求。

 * MailingList file.
 * Contains the class definition for the abstract class Monty_MailingList.
 * @author Lewis Bassett <lewis.bassett@bassettprovidentia.com>
 * @version 0.1
 * @package Monty

 * Represents the interface for all MailingList classes.
 * Adhereing to this interface means that if a MailingList provider
 * (e.g., MailChimp) stops a service, a new class can extend this interface and
 * be replace the obsolete class with no need to modify any of the client code.
 * @author Lewis Bassett <lewis.bassett@bassettprovidentia.com>
 * @version 0.1
 * @package Monty
 * @copyright Copyright (c) 2011, Bassett Providentia
abstract class Monty_MailingList
     * Adds the passed prospect to the mailing list, or returns false if the
     * prospect already exists. Throws an error if the prospect could not be
     * added for any reason (other than it already existing).
     * @param Monty_Prospect $prospect The prospect object to be added to the
     * mailing list.
     * @return bool Whether or not the prospect was added.
    abstract public function addProspect(Monty_Prospect $prospect);

     * Updates the properties stored on the mailing list of the passed prospect,
     * or returns false if no data was updated. If the prospect is not found, a
     * they are added to the list. Throws an error if the prospect could not be
     * added or updated for any readon.
     * @param Monty_Prospect $prospect The prospect object whose mailing list
     * data is to be updated.
     * @return bool Whether or not the prospect was updated.
    abstract public function updateProspect(Monty_Prospect $prospect);

     * Returns true if the passed prospect object could be found on the mailing
     * list.
     * @param Monty_Prospect $prospect The prospect object to be searched for.
     * @return bool Whether or not the prospect was found.
    abstract public function findProspect(Monty_Prospect $prospect);

     * Deletes the passed prospect from the mailing list, or returns false if
     * the passed object is not found on the mailing list.
     * @param Monty_Prospect $prospect The prospect to be deleted.
     * @return bool Whether or not the prospect was deleted.
    abstract public function deleteProspect(Monty_Prospect $prospect);

     * Creates a campaign for the passed offer object, or returns false if the
     * campaign already exists. Throws an error if the campaign could not be
     * created for any reason (other than it already existing).
     * @param Monty_Offer $offer The offer to be created.
     * @return bool Whether or not the offer was created.
    abstract public function createOffer(Monty_Offer $offer);

     * Sends the campaign for the passed offer object, or returns false if the
     * campaign could not be sent for a reasonable reason (run out of credit or
     * something). If the campaign does not yet exist, it is created. Throws an
     * error if the campaign could not be created, or an was not sent for an
     * unknown reason.
     * @param Monty_Offer $offer The offer to be sent.
     * @return bool Whether or not the offer was sent.
    abstract public function sendOffer(Monty_Offer $offer);

     * Returns true if a campaign for the passed offer object could be found on
     * the mailing list.
     * @param Monty_Offer $offer The offer to be searched for,
     * @return bool Whether or not the offer was found.
    abstract public function findOffer(Monty_Offer $offer);

     * Returns the ammount of opens registered for the passed offer. Throws an
     * error if a campaign is not found for the passed offer.
     * @param Monty_Offer $offer The offer in question.
     * @return int The ammount of registered opens for that offer.
    abstract public function getOfferOpens(Monty_Offer $offer);

     * Returns the ammount of clicks registered for the passed offer. Throws an
     * error if a campaign is not found for the passed offer.
     * @param Monty_Offer $offer The offer in question.
     * @return int The ammount of registered clicks for that offer.
    abstract public function getOfferClicks(Monty_Offer $offer);

     * Returns the ammount of bounces registered for the passed offer. Throws an
     * error if a campaign is not found for the passed offer.
     * @param Monty_Offer $offer The offer in question.
     * @return int The ammount of registered bounces for that offer.
    abstract public function getOfferBounces(Monty_Offer $offer);

     * Returns the ammount of unsubscribes registered for the passed offer.
     * Throws an error if a campaign is not found for the passed offer.
     * @param Monty_Offer $offer The offer in question.
     * @return int The ammount of registered unsubscribes for that offer.
    abstract public function getOfferUnsubscribes(Monty_Offer $offer);



我想在其他项目中使用这个类,这可能不一定使用 Prospect 或 Offer 类。从类的角度来看,上面的接口似乎耦合得太紧了,因为类依赖于传递给它的对象。




3 回答 3


我在某些方面同意 Emil 的观点。


Prospects 和 Offers 是业务逻辑模型,它们可以通过电子邮件将一种表示形式发送给用户,因为它们在呈现到网页时可以具有另一种表示形式。从邮件中收集统计数据也是另一回事。


于 2011-12-16T09:38:36.467 回答

经过更多思考,我想出了我认为最好的解决方案,这要归功于设计模式的一些灵感:可重用的面向对象软件的元素(Erich Gamma、Richard Helm、Ralph Johnson 和 John Vlissides)。


MailingListRecipient - 为代表邮件列表收件人的对象定义接口。所有客户端代码都将为此接口编写,而不关心这个抽象代码的哪个子类实现它。它将具有设置名字、姓氏和电子邮件地址以及在邮件列表中添加、更新、删除和查找收件人的方法。

MailingListMessage - 定义将在邮件列表中表示消息的对象的接口,并将定义一些设置方法和一些操作。同样,客户端代码将为此接口编写,并且不会关心子类如何实现它。


MailingListFactory - 这会在我的客户端代码中创建MailingListRecipientMailingListMessage对象。


MailChimpRecipient - 代表 MailChimp 列表中的收件人。此处的代码将遵循MailingListRecipient定义的接口,并且该对象在其构造函数中将需要一个 API 密钥和 ListId。

MailChimpMessage - 表示 MailChimp 列表上的消息。此处的代码将遵循MailingListMessage定义的接口,并且该对象在其构造函数中也需要 API 密钥和 ListId。


MailChimpFactory - 用于创建 MailChimp 收件人和消息。该对象将需要 API 密钥和 ListId,然后将它们传递给上述两个类的构造函数,以创建 MailChimp 特定对象。


$mailingListFactory = new MailChimpFactory($apiKey, $listId);


$recipient = $mailingListFactory->createMailingListRecipient();



如果 MailChimp 突然停止他们的服务,或者我决定使用另一个邮件列表提供程序,我将只创建使用新提供程序的 MailingListRecipient 和 MailingListMessage 的新子类 - 它们的接口将是相同的,并且客户端代码不会知道或关心它是否不同。

然后,我将创建一个新的 MailingListFactory 子类,它将创建新类的新收件人和消息对象。我需要做的就是更改我的设置文件中的实例化:

$mailingListFactory = new newMailingListProviderFactory($username, $password);


使用抽象工厂确保我永远不会遇到代码使用 mailChimpRecipient 对象和 newMailingListProviderMessage 对象的情况。





于 2011-12-19T16:04:12.923 回答

如果您想要更通用的方法,请创建一个类,您可以在其中添加人员而不是潜在客户,并添加电子邮件而不是报价,即(任何)邮件列表的通用接口。然后让您的 Monty_MailingList 继承通用列表。

于 2011-12-16T09:17:58.940 回答