我有一个主机和一个附加的可折叠面板,我从http://sourceforge.net/apps/wordpress/miasct/2009/03/29/external-collapsible-panel/获得。问题是可折叠面板创建了未装饰的框架,该框架扩展了 JFrame(实际上是来自 SwingX 的 JXFrame)并且表现得像一个框架。

  1. 我如何摆脱这个:


  1. 不要在 alt+tab 中显示它
  2. 当我在 WindowsOS 中使用“最小化所有窗口”然后最大化主框架时,附加框架保持图标化。


import com.sun.jna.platform.WindowUtils;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.Shape;

import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter;
import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent;
import java.awt.geom.Ellipse2D;
import java.awt.geom.RoundRectangle2D;
import javax.swing.JFrame;

import org.jdesktop.swingx.JXFrame;
import ui.MainFrame;

 * CollapsibleFrame
 * @author Devon Bryant
 * @since Mar 26, 2009
public class CollapsibleFrame extends JXFrame implements ICollapsibleFrame
    // The parent frame to tie this frame to
    private JFrame parentFrame = null;

    // Orientation (where the collapsible frame is located relative to the parent frame)
    private Orientation orientation = null;

     * Constructor
     * @param inName the frame name
     * @param inParentFrame the parent frame to tie this frame to
     * @param the orientation (where in respect to the parent frame to attach to)
    public CollapsibleFrame(String inName, JFrame inParentFrame, Orientation inOrientation)

        parentFrame = inParentFrame;
        orientation = inOrientation;

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.mia.sct.view.panel.ICollapsibleFrame#relocate()
    public void relocate()
        offset(0, 0);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.mia.sct.view.panel.ICollapsibleFrame#offset(int, int)
    public void offset(int inX, int inY)
        if ((parentFrame != null && parentFrame.isVisible()))
            Point p = null;
            int x = 0;
            int y = 0;

            // Calculate the new x,y coordinates for this frame based on the parents location
            switch (orientation)
                case TOP:
                    p = parentFrame.getLocationOnScreen();
                    x = p.x;
                    y = p.y - getHeight();

                case BOTTOM:
                    p = parentFrame.getLocationOnScreen();
                    x = p.x;
                    y = p.y + parentFrame.getHeight();

                case LEFT:
                    p = parentFrame.getLocationOnScreen();
                    x = p.x - getWidth();
                    y = parentFrame.getContentPane().getLocationOnScreen().y;

                case RIGHT:
                    p = parentFrame.getLocationOnScreen();
                    x = p.x + parentFrame.getWidth();
                    y = parentFrame.getContentPane().getLocationOnScreen().y;
            x += inX;
            y += inY;

            // set the location of this frame
            setLocation(x, y);                     

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.mia.sct.view.panel.ICollapsibleFrame#setMask(java.awt.Shape)
    public void setMask(Shape inShape)
        WindowUtils.setWindowMask(this, inShape);

    /* (non-Javadoc)
     * @see com.mia.sct.view.panel.ICollapsibleFrame#setAlpha(float)
    public void setAlpha(float inAlpha)
        if (WindowUtils.isWindowAlphaSupported())
            WindowUtils.setWindowAlpha(this, inAlpha);



1 回答 1


不是好主意JFrames同时持有两个(或其 SwingX 衍生品),您必须将其更改为 Un-DecoratedJDialogJWindow(其 SwingX 衍生品),以解决三个问题,您可以正确设置

  • setParent

  • setModal,ModalityTypes

  • iconified在 WinOS 中 没有

于 2011-12-15T09:07:52.883 回答