我想通过下载链接下载带有 R 的日志文件,但我只得到未评估的 html。


url = "http://statcounter.com/p7447608/csv/download_log_file?ufrom=1323783441&uto=1323860282"

# SSL-certificate:
CAINFO = paste(system.file(package="RCurl"), "/CurlSSL/ca-bundle.crt", sep = "")

curlH = getCurlHandle(
    header = FALSE,
    verbose = TRUE,
    netrc = TRUE,
    maxredirs = as.integer(20),
    followlocation = TRUE,
    userpwd = "me:mypassw",
    ssl.verifypeer = TRUE)

destfile = "log.csv"
x = getBinaryURL(url, curl = curlH,
                 cainfo = CAINFO) 


2 回答 2



似乎将文件重命名为 log.html 并打开它时,我们的登录名无效。这就是你得到 html 结构的原因。您需要将登录凭据添加到 URL。

您可以从 html 源代码中获取名称值对:

<label for="username2">Username:</label>
<input type="text" id="username2" name="form_user" value="" size="12" maxlength="64" class="large">
<span class="label-overlay">
<label for="password2">Password:</label>
<input type="password" name="form_pass" id="password2" value="" size="12" maxlength="64" class="large"> 

如您所见,用户名的名称值对称为 form_user=USERNAME,密码的名称值对称为 form_pass=PASSWORD。

这就是 curl userpwd 设置不起作用的原因,它无法识别 ID 或名称。

 ## Url for downloading - Does not contain login credentials.
 url <- "http://statcounter.com/p7447608/csv/download_log_file?ufrom=1323783441&uto=1323860282" 

 USERNAME = 'your username'
 PASSWORD = 'your password'

 ## Url for downloading - Does contain login credentials. Use this one!! 
 url <- paste( 'http://statcounter.com/p7447608/csv/download_log_file?ufrom=1323783441&uto=1323860282&form_user=', USERNAME, '&form_pass=', PASSWORD, sep = '') 

 ## method one, using download file
 download.file(url, destfile = "log.csv" )

 csv.data <- read.csv("log.csv" )

 ## method 2 using curl
 CAINFO = paste(system.file(package="RCurl"), "/CurlSSL/ca-bundle.crt", sep = "")

 cookie = 'cookiefile.txt'
 curlH = getCurlHandle(
 cookiefile = cookie,
 useragent =  "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en - US; rv: Gecko/20070725 Firefox/",
     header = FALSE,
     verbose = TRUE,
     netrc = TRUE,
     maxredirs = as.integer(20),
     followlocation = TRUE,
     ssl.verifypeer = TRUE)

 destfile = "log2.csv"
 content = getBinaryURL(url, curl = curlH, cainfo = CAINFO)
 ## write to file
 writeBin(content, destfile)
 ## read from binary object
 csv.data2 <- read.csv(textConnection(rawToChar(content)))
 csv.data2 == csv.data
于 2011-12-14T22:50:15.870 回答

您似乎不需要 SSL 证书等,因为 url 是http:, not https:... 所以download.file(url, "log.csv")在这种情况下可能会正常工作吗?

我首先要确保 url 及其响应在 R 之外是正确的。

...我使用 Chrome 访问 URL 并获得了下载的文件“StatCounter-Log-7447608.csv”。它包含一个 csv 标头HTML?!

"Date and Time","IP Address","IP Address Label","Browser","Version","OS","Resolution","Country","Region","City","Postal Code","ISP","Returning Count","Page URL","Page Title","Came From","SE Name","SE Host","SE Term"
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<meta name="Author" content="StatCounter">
于 2011-12-14T20:39:37.930 回答