我有一个使用 jqTransform 替换标准选择框和单选按钮的表单。这一切都很好,花花公子,除了一件让我烦恼的事情:
由于它将选择框替换为链接列表,因此当您键入字母进行滚动时,它不会执行任何操作。例如,您单击打开选择,然后键入一个 S。它应该滚动到列表中的第一个 S,但没有任何反应。有没有办法恢复这个功能?下面是选择框的 jqTransform 代码。我没有看到这种类型的处理程序:
$.fn.jqTransSelect = function(){
return this.each(function(index){
var $select = $(this);
if($select.hasClass('jqTransformHidden')) {return;}
if($select.attr('multiple')) {return;}
var oLabel = jqTransformGetLabel($select);
/* First thing we do is Wrap it */
var $wrapper = $select
.wrap('<div class="jqTransformSelectWrapper"></div>')
.css({zIndex: 10-index})
/* Now add the html for the select */
$wrapper.prepend('<div><span></span><a href="#" class="jqTransformSelectOpen"></a></div><ul></ul>');
var $ul = $('ul', $wrapper).css('width',$select.width()).hide();
/* Now we add the options */
$('option', this).each(function(i){
var oLi = $('<li><a href="#" index="'+ i +'">'+ $(this).html() +'</a></li>');
/* Add click handler to the a */
$('a.selected', $wrapper).removeClass('selected');
/* Fire the onchange event */
if ($select[0].selectedIndex != $(this).attr('index') && $select[0].onchange) { $select[0].selectedIndex = $(this).attr('index'); $select[0].onchange(); }
$select[0].selectedIndex = $(this).attr('index');
$('span:eq(0)', $wrapper).html($(this).html());
return false;
/* Set the default */
$('a:eq('+ this.selectedIndex +')', $ul).click();
$('span:first', $wrapper).click(function(){$("a.jqTransformSelectOpen",$wrapper).trigger('click');});
oLabel && oLabel.click(function(){$("a.jqTransformSelectOpen",$wrapper).trigger('click');});
this.oLabel = oLabel;
/* Apply the click handler to the Open */
var oLinkOpen = $('a.jqTransformSelectOpen', $wrapper)
//Check if box is already open to still allow toggle, but close all other selects
if( $ul.css('display') == 'none' ) {jqTransformHideSelect();}
if($select.attr('disabled')){return false;}
$ul.slideToggle('fast', function(){
var offSet = ($('a.selected', $ul).offset().top - $ul.offset().top);
$ul.animate({scrollTop: offSet});
return false;
// Set the new width
var iSelectWidth = $select.outerWidth();
var oSpan = $('span:first',$wrapper);
var newWidth = (iSelectWidth > oSpan.innerWidth())?iSelectWidth+oLinkOpen.outerWidth():$wrapper.width();
// Calculate the height if necessary, less elements that the default height
//show the ul to calculate the block, if ul is not displayed li height value is 0
var iSelectHeight = ($('li',$ul).length)*($('li:first',$ul).height());//+1 else bug ff
(iSelectHeight < $ul.height()) && $ul.css({height:iSelectHeight,'overflow':'hidden'});//hidden else bug with ff
var oLinkOpen = $('a.jqTransformSelectOpen', $wrapper)
.keypress(function (e) {
$.each(myArray, function (i, l) {
var sc = l.substr(0, 1).toLowerCase();
var kc = String.fromCharCode(e.which);
if (sc == kc) {
$select[0].selectedIndex = i;
$('span:eq(0)', $wrapper).html(l);
return false;