在我们的应用程序中,我们需要使用来自相机 @ 33 fps 的捕获帧并将其传递给压缩,然后再将其发送到服务器,

我的压缩模块可以拿YUV Image,来压缩图像,我的相机配置如下,

宽度 = 500 像素,
高度 = 300 像素,


camera.setPreviewCallback(new PreviewCallback() {

                public void onPreviewFrame(byte[] data, Camera arg1) {


数据大小为 230400,但我想它会在

500*300(Y) + 500*300/4(U) + 500*300/4(V) 即 2250000

即多出 5400 字节,这是否意味着,我可以忽略扩孔?

我也需要创建 YUVImage 对象,但是步幅信息没有出现,所以我们如何从上面的数据创建 YUVImage。



1 回答 1


无法解决数据大小问题,但要从相机预览中获取 YUV,您有 2 个选择。如果运行 Android 2.2 或更高版本,您可以使用android.graphics.YuvImage类,只需将它的构造函数从 PreviewCallback 传递给您的 bytearray。

如果您需要支持 2.2 之前的版本,那么您需要执行以下操作:

 * Decodes YUV frame to a buffer which can be use to create a bitmap.
 * use this for OS < FROYO which has a native YUV decoder
 * decode Y, U, and V values on the YUV 420 buffer described as YCbCr_422_SP by Android 
 * @param rgb the outgoing array of RGB bytes
 * @param fg the incoming frame bytes
 * @param width of source frame
 * @param height of source frame
 * @throws NullPointerException
 * @throws IllegalArgumentException
private static void decodeYUV_impl(int[] rgb, byte[] fg, int width, int height) throws NullPointerException, IllegalArgumentException 
    int sz = width * height;
    if (rgb == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("buffer out is null");
    if (rgb.length < sz)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer out size " + rgb.length
                + " < minimum " + sz);
    if (fg == null)
        throw new NullPointerException("buffer 'fg' is null");

    if (fg.length < sz)
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("buffer fg size " + fg.length
                + " < minimum " + sz * 3 / 2);

    int i, j;
    int Y, Cr = 0, Cb = 0;
    for (j = 0; j < height; j++) {
        int pixPtr = j * width;
        final int jDiv2 = j >> 1;
    for (i = 0; i < width; i++) {
        Y = fg[pixPtr];
        if (Y < 0)
            Y += 255;
        if ((i & 0x1) != 1) {
            final int cOff = sz + jDiv2 * width + (i >> 1) * 2;
            Cb = fg[cOff];
            if (Cb < 0)
                Cb += 127;
                Cb -= 128;
            Cr = fg[cOff + 1];
            if (Cr < 0)
                Cr += 127;
                Cr -= 128;
        int R = Y + Cr + (Cr >> 2) + (Cr >> 3) + (Cr >> 5);
        if (R < 0)
            R = 0;
        else if (R > 255)
            R = 255;
        int G = Y - (Cb >> 2) + (Cb >> 4) + (Cb >> 5) - (Cr >> 1)
                + (Cr >> 3) + (Cr >> 4) + (Cr >> 5);
        if (G < 0)
            G = 0;
        else if (G > 255)
            G = 255;
        int B = Y + Cb + (Cb >> 1) + (Cb >> 2) + (Cb >> 6);
        if (B < 0)
            B = 0;
        else if (B > 255)
            B = 255;
        rgb[pixPtr++] = (0xff000000 + (B << 16) + (G << 8) + R);

于 2011-12-14T19:13:35.167 回答