编写 C# cmdlet 时接收文件作为参数的正确方法是什么?到目前为止,我只有一个属性 LiteralPath(与它们的参数命名约定一致),它是一个字符串。这是一个问题,因为您只需要在控制台中输入任何内容;这可能是完整路径,也可能是相对路径。

使用 Path.GetFullPath(string) 不起作用。它认为我目前在〜,我不是。如果我将属性从字符串更改为 FileInfo,也会出现同样的问题。


    SessionState ss = new SessionState();

    LiteralPath = Path.GetFullPath(LiteralPath);

LiteralPath 是字符串参数。我仍然有兴趣了解处理作为参数传递的文件路径的推荐方法。


            string current = Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();
            LiteralPath = Path.GetFullPath(LiteralPath);

1 回答 1


这是一个令人惊讶的复杂领域,但我在这里有很多经验。简而言之,有一些 cmdlet 直接从 System.IO API 接受 win32 路径,这些通常使用 -FilePath 参数。如果您想编写一个表现良好的“powershelly”cmdlet,您需要 -Path 和 -LiteralPath,以接受管道输入并使用相对和绝对提供程序路径。这是我前段时间写的一篇博客文章的摘录:

[起初] PowerShell 中的路径很难理解。PowerShell 路径 - 或PSPaths,不要与 Win32 路径混淆 - 在它们的绝对形式中,它们有两种不同的风格:

  • 提供商资格:FileSystem::c:\temp\foo.txt
  • PSDrive 认证:c:\temp\foo.txt

很容易混淆 provider-internal(ProviderPath已解析的属性System.Management.Automation.PathInfo- 上面提供者限定路径右侧的部分::)和驱动器限定路径,因为如果您查看默认的 FileSystem 提供程序驱动器,它们看起来相同. 也就是说,PSDrive 与本机后备存储 Windows 文件系统 (C) 具有相同的名称 (C)。因此,为了让自己更容易理解这些差异,请为自己创建一个新的 PSDrive:

ps c:\> new-psdrive temp filesystem c:\temp\
ps c:\> cd temp:
ps temp:\>


  • 提供商资格:FileSystem::c:\temp\foo.txt
  • 驱动合格:temp:\foo.txt

这次更容易看到这次有什么不同。提供程序名称右侧的粗体文本是 ProviderPath。

因此,您编写接受路径的通用提供程序友好 Cmdlet(或高级函数)的目标是:

  • 定义LiteralPath别名为的路径参数PSPath
  • 定义一个Path参数(将解析通配符/glob)
  • 始终假设您正在接收 PSPath,而不是本机提供程序路径(例如 Win32 路径)



一个很好的问题是:我们如何处理传递给 Cmdlet 的相对路径。正如您应该假设给您的所有路径都是 PSPaths,让我们看看下面的 Cmdlet 的作用:

ps temp:\> write-zip -literalpath foo.txt

该命令应假定 foo.txt 在当前驱动器中,因此应立即在 ProcessRecord 或 EndProcessing 块中解决此问题,例如(使用此处的脚本 API 进行演示):

$provider = $null;
$drive = $null
$pathHelper = $ExecutionContext.SessionState.Path
$providerPath = $pathHelper.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(
    "foo.txt", [ref]$provider, [ref]$drive)

现在,您已经有了重新创建 PSPath 的两种绝对形式所需的一切,并且您还拥有了本机绝对 ProviderPath。要为 foo.txt 创建提供者限定的 PSPath,请使用$provider.Name + “::” + $providerPath. 如果$drive不是$null(您的当前位置可能是提供者限定的,在这种情况下$drive将是$null),那么您应该使用$drive.name + ":\" + $drive.CurrentLocation + "\" + "foo.txt"来获取驱动器限定的 PSPath。

快速入门 C# 骨架

下面是一个 C# 提供程序感知 cmdlet 的框架,可帮助您进行操作。它已内置检查以确保已将文件系统提供程序路径传递给它。我正在为 NuGet 打包它,以帮助其他人编写行为良好的提供程序感知 Cmdlet:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Management.Automation;
using Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands;
namespace PSQuickStart
    [Cmdlet(VerbsCommon.Get, Noun,
        DefaultParameterSetName = ParamSetPath,
        SupportsShouldProcess = true)
    public class GetFileMetadataCommand : PSCmdlet
        private const string Noun = "FileMetadata";
        private const string ParamSetLiteral = "Literal";
        private const string ParamSetPath = "Path";
        private string[] _paths;
        private bool _shouldExpandWildcards;
            Mandatory = true,
            ValueFromPipeline = false,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true,
            ParameterSetName = ParamSetLiteral)
        public string[] LiteralPath
            get { return _paths; }
            set { _paths = value; }
            Position = 0,
            Mandatory = true,
            ValueFromPipeline = true,
            ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = true,
            ParameterSetName = ParamSetPath)
        public string[] Path
            get { return _paths; }
                _shouldExpandWildcards = true;
                _paths = value;
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            foreach (string path in _paths)
                // This will hold information about the provider containing
                // the items that this path string might resolve to.                
                ProviderInfo provider;
                // This will be used by the method that processes literal paths
                PSDriveInfo drive;
                // this contains the paths to process for this iteration of the
                // loop to resolve and optionally expand wildcards.
                List<string> filePaths = new List<string>();
                if (_shouldExpandWildcards)
                    // Turn *.txt into foo.txt,foo2.txt etc.
                    // if path is just "foo.txt," it will return unchanged.
                    filePaths.AddRange(this.GetResolvedProviderPathFromPSPath(path, out provider));
                    // no wildcards, so don't try to expand any * or ? symbols.                    
                        path, out provider, out drive));
                // ensure that this path (or set of paths after wildcard expansion)
                // is on the filesystem. A wildcard can never expand to span multiple
                // providers.
                if (IsFileSystemPath(provider, path) == false)
                    // no, so skip to next path in _paths.
                // at this point, we have a list of paths on the filesystem.
                foreach (string filePath in filePaths)
                    PSObject custom;
                    // If -whatif was supplied, do not perform the actions
                    // inside this "if" statement; only show the message.
                    // This block also supports the -confirm switch, where
                    // you will be asked if you want to perform the action
                    // "get metadata" on target: foo.txt
                    if (ShouldProcess(filePath, "Get Metadata"))
                        if (Directory.Exists(filePath))
                            custom = GetDirectoryCustomObject(new DirectoryInfo(filePath));
                            custom = GetFileCustomObject(new FileInfo(filePath));
        private PSObject GetFileCustomObject(FileInfo file)
            // this message will be shown if the -verbose switch is given
            WriteVerbose("GetFileCustomObject " + file);
            // create a custom object with a few properties
            PSObject custom = new PSObject();
            custom.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("Size", file.Length));
            custom.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("Name", file.Name));
            custom.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("Extension", file.Extension));
            return custom;
        private PSObject GetDirectoryCustomObject(DirectoryInfo dir)
            // this message will be shown if the -verbose switch is given
            WriteVerbose("GetDirectoryCustomObject " + dir);
            // create a custom object with a few properties
            PSObject custom = new PSObject();
            int files = dir.GetFiles().Length;
            int subdirs = dir.GetDirectories().Length;
            custom.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("Files", files));
            custom.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("Subdirectories", subdirs));
            custom.Properties.Add(new PSNoteProperty("Name", dir.Name));
            return custom;
        private bool IsFileSystemPath(ProviderInfo provider, string path)
            bool isFileSystem = true;
            // check that this provider is the filesystem
            if (provider.ImplementingType != typeof(FileSystemProvider))
                // create a .NET exception wrapping our error text
                ArgumentException ex = new ArgumentException(path +
                    " does not resolve to a path on the FileSystem provider.");
                // wrap this in a powershell errorrecord
                ErrorRecord error = new ErrorRecord(ex, "InvalidProvider",
                    ErrorCategory.InvalidArgument, path);
                // write a non-terminating error to pipeline
                // tell our caller that the item was not on the filesystem
                isFileSystem = false;
            return isFileSystem;

Cmdlet 开发指南 (Microsoft)

以下是一些更通用的建议,从长远来看应该可以帮助您:http: //msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms714657%28VS.85%29.aspx

于 2011-12-14T15:08:47.623 回答