I'm currently in the process of designing a database. We have an existing system that was not designed very well and we are ironing out all of the small issues that are clearly visible, e.g. a varchar
for a true/false
flag instead of a bit
What I want to know is, how do you know that you have got a sweet database design? Or is this a myth? I mean, the structure may look amazing on paper, but when some data is in there how will it perform.
Are tables that store "lookup" values faster than storing full descriptive text? e.g.
Error table
Id ErrorId DateCreated
1 1 09/12/2011
2 5 10/12/2011
Error Description table
Id Description
1 Warning - failed to validate
2 Failed to locate file
In this scenario, would creating a view
be more beneficial than writing the SQL including the necessary join?
Sorry if I have posted this question in the wrong place.