我有 3 个不同的 div,其中包含图像。每个 div 具有不同的宽度和高度。我对它们都使用了 jQuery imgAreaSelect。裁剪工作正常。我的问题是我想在裁剪窗口打开时开始进行初始裁剪。我希望这个初始裁剪成为给定纵横比的最大可能部分。


var aspectratio1 = $('#cutout_'+cutout_id).height() / $('#cutout_'+cutout_id).width();
aspectratio = "1:" + aspectratio1;
var image_width = $('#CutoutImage').width();
var image_height = $('#CutoutImage').height();
var aspect = 1 / aspectratio1 ;
var NewWidth = Math.round(image_height * aspect);
var left = ((image_width - NewWidth) / 2);
var right = Math.round(NewWidth + left);
var x1 = left;
var y1 = 0;
var x2 = right;
var y2 = image_height;

    aspectRatio: aspectratio,
    instance: true,
    zIndex: 9999,
    x1: x1,
    y1: y1,
    x2: x2, 
    y2: y2




2 回答 2




  // set info for cropping image using hidden fields
function setInfo(i, e) {
// Get on screen image
var screenImage = $("#uploadPreview");

// Create new offscreen image to test
var theImage = new Image();
theImage.src = screenImage.attr("src");

// Get accurate measurements from that.
var imageWidth = theImage.width;

//Get width of resized image
var scaledimagewidth = document.getElementById("uploadPreview").width;

if ( imageWidth > scaledimagewidth){ var ar =   imageWidth/scaledimagewidth;}
else { var ar = 1;}

 $(document).ready(function() {
var p = $("#uploadPreview");

// prepare instant preview
// fadeOut or hide preview

// prepare HTML5 FileReader
var oFReader = new FileReader();

oFReader.onload = function (oFREvent) {
p.attr('src', oFREvent.target.result).fadeIn();
$('img#uploadPreview').imgAreaSelect({ x1: 120, y1: 90, x2: 280, y2: 210 });

// implement imgAreaSelect plug in (http://odyniec.net/projects/imgareaselect/)
// set crop ratio (optional)
aspectRatio: '1:1',
onSelectEnd: setInfo

于 2015-03-13T10:41:21.153 回答


var aspectratio_cutout = ratio_hw;
aspectratio = "1:" + mycutout.ratio_hw;

var image_width = $('#imageToCutout').width();
var image_height = $('#imageToCutout').height();
var image_ratio_hw = image_height / image_width;
var image_ratio_wh = image_width / image_height;

if (mycutout.ratio_hw <= ratio_hw) {
    var cropwidth = image_width;
    var cropheight = cropwidth * ratio_hw;
    var x1 = 0;
    var y1 = (image_height - cropheight) / 2;
} else {
    var cropheight = image_height;
    var cropwidth = cropheight * ratio_wh;
    var x1 = (image_width - cropwidth) / 2;
    var y1 = 0;0;                                                           


var x2 = x1 + 裁剪宽度;var y2 = y1 + 作物高度;

于 2011-12-15T20:28:43.217 回答