I am having a little bit of knowledge in java and want to study java and do an oracle certification test.
JAVA SE 7 programmer 1 and JAVA SE 7 programmer 2 examinations are available for beta test , which means vary soon we can do the actual examination.
Previously i wanted to do scjp (any equivalent) and to do scwcd as soon as possible.
but now i am confused whether to do 1.6 or 7 because , what is equal to SCJP in SE 7 ,oracle says JAVA SE 7 programmer 1 is equal to associate certificate but added some scjp questions in version 7 and it is a prerequersite to do JAVA SE 7 programmer 2 ,Oracle says JAVA SE 7 programmer 2 is a broaden version of SCJP.
Inorder to do the latest Java EE exam what is the exam i have to choose , what is the prerequersite for Oracles certified Web Component Developer (JAVA SE 7 programmer 1 or JAVA SE 7 programmer 2 )other than SCJP (older versions )