在我的例子中,它是单元格 52,因为它保存在 (5, 2) 中,或者在这种情况下,它保存在 (4, 1) 中,因为数组从 0 开始。
我的问题是,我的程序正在读取数字 1。在第一条线索中,它通向 34,这应该将我带到单元格 (2, 3)。而是将我带到 (1, 2)。
我认为这是因为 -1,但由于我正在处理人类数字,我需要减去 1,因此它对应于 0 作为第一个而不是 1。
public class MazeTest
public static void main(String args[])
int initRow = 1;
int initCol = 1;
Maze myMaze = new Maze();
System.out.println("Checking the initial cell");
while (myMaze.GetFound() == false)
System.out.println("Checking the next cell.");
myMaze.ReadClue(myMaze.GetCoordOne() - 1, myMaze.GetCoordTwo() - 1);
myMaze.NextCell(myMaze.GetClueOne() - 1, myMaze.GetClueTwo() - 1);
public class Maze
private int[][] mazeCell = {{34, 21, 32, 41, 25},
{14, 42, 43, 14, 31},
{54, 45, 52, 42, 23},
{33, 15, 51, 31, 35},
{21, 52, 33, 13, 23} };
private int coordOne;
private int coordTwo;
private int clueOne;
private int clueTwo;
private boolean found = false;
public void ReadClue(int row, int col)
clueOne = mazeCell[row][col] / 10;
clueTwo = mazeCell[row][col] % 10;
public void NextCell(int rowNum, int colNum)
coordOne = rowNum;
coordTwo = colNum;
public void CheckCell()
System.out.printf("Checking for treasure in %d\n",
mazeCell[coordOne - 1][coordTwo - 1]);
if (coordOne == clueOne && coordTwo == clueTwo)
public void TreasureFound()
System.out.println("Congratulations, you found the treasure!");
found = true;
public int GetMazeCell(int row, int col)
return mazeCell[row][col];
public int GetCoordOne()
return coordOne;
public void SetCoordOne(int num)
coordOne = num;
public int GetCoordTwo()
return coordTwo;
public void SetCoordTwo(int num)
coordTwo = num;
public int GetClueOne()
return clueOne;
public void SetClueOne(int num)
clueOne = num;
public int GetClueTwo()
return clueTwo;
public void SetClueTwo(int num)
clueTwo = num;
public boolean GetFound()
return found;