基本上,我有一个代理列表。我想将它们分成 SOCKS4 和 SOCKS5。我想编写一个小的 PHP 脚本来为我做这件事。我将如何检测它在 PHP 中的类型?


3 回答 3


您需要自己编写一些小代码来尝试连接您的任何代理并检查 socks 版本。不同版本和错误代码的连接协议记录在关于 SOCKS 的维基百科页面上

考虑到这一点,剩下的或多或少是与 PHP 的标准套接字连接。


$proxies = array( '', '',
                  '', '',);

foreach ($proxies as $index => $proxy)
    $type = SOCKSVersion::getType($proxy);
    $typeName = SOCKSVersion::getTypeName($type);
    printf("Proxy #%d: %s\n", $index, $typeName);


Proxy #0: SOCKS4
Proxy #1: SOCKS4
Proxy #2: Unknown
Proxy #3: SOCKS4

此示例性实现仅检查 SOCKS4,但可以通过添加类似于以下的方法轻松扩展以测试 SOCK4a 和 SOCKS5 isSocks4()

 * SOCKS server identifiation class.
class SOCKSVersion
    const TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0;
    const TYPE_SOCKS4 = 1;
    const TYPE_SOCKS4a = 2;
    const TYPE_SOCKS5 = 3;

     * @var string[]
    private static $typeNames = array(
        self::TYPE_UNKNOWN => 'Unknown',
        self::TYPE_SOCKS4 => 'SOCKS4',
        self::TYPE_SOCKS4a => 'SOCKS4a',
        self::TYPE_SOCKS5 => 'SOCKS5',

     * @var int
    private $timeout = 30;

     * @var int
    private $host, $port;

     * @var string[]
    private $errors;

     * @var string[]
    private $socks4Errors = array(
        91 => "Request rejected or failed",
        92 => "Request failed because client is not running identd (or not reachable from the server)",
        93 => "Request failed because client's identd could not confirm the user ID string in the request",

    public function __construct($endpoint)

     * @static
     * @param string $proxy
     * @return int any of the TYPE_* constants
    public static function getType($proxy)
        $socks = new self($proxy);
        return $socks->getSocksVersion();

     * @static
     * @param int $type
     * @return string
    public static function getTypeName($type)
        $typeNames = self::$typeNames;
        if (isset($typeNames[$type])) {
            return $typeNames[$type];
        return $typeNames[self::TYPE_UNKNOWN];

    public function setEndpoint($endpoint)
        if (!$parts = parse_url('http://' . $endpoint)) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Unable to parse endpoint "%s".', $endpoint));
        if (empty($parts['host'])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('No host given.');
        if (empty($parts['port'])) {
            throw new InvalidArgumentException('No port given.');
        $this->host = $parts['host'];
        $this->port = $parts['port'];

     * @return int any of the TYPE_* constants
    public function getSocksVersion()
        try {
            if ($this->isSocks4()) {
                return self::TYPE_SOCKS4;
        } catch (BadFunctionCallException $e) {
            $this->errors[] = sprintf("SOCKS4 Test: ", $this->host, $e->getMessage());
        return self::TYPE_UNKNOWN;

    public function isSocks4()
        $socket = stream_socket_client("tcp://" . $this->host . ":" . $this->port, $errno, $errstr, $this->timeout, STREAM_CLIENT_CONNECT);
        if (!$socket) {
            throw new BadFunctionCallException(sprintf('Socket-Error #%d: %s', $errno, $errstr));

        // SOCKS4; @link <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SOCKS#Protocol>
        $userId = "";
        $packet = "\x04\x01" . pack("n", $this->port) . pack("H*", dechex(ip2long($this->host))) . $userId . "\0";
        fwrite($socket, $packet, strlen($packet));
        $response = fread($socket, 9);
        if (strlen($response) == 8 && (ord($response[0]) == 0 || ord($response[0]) == 4)) {
            $status = ord($response[1]);
            if ($status != 90) {
                throw new BadFunctionCallException(sprintf("Error from SOCKS4 server: %s.", $this->socks4Errors[$status]));
        } else {
            throw new BadFunctionCallException("The SOCKS server returned an invalid response");

        return TRUE;


于 2012-04-14T09:17:49.230 回答

我认为您能做的最好的事情是首先尝试通过尝试最高版本 - 5 来建立 CURL 连接。


无论哪种方式,这都会给你答案。curl_error执行后检查。如果没有错误,您使用的是 SOCKS5,否则您使用的是 SOCKS4。

于 2012-04-13T19:26:51.777 回答

根据 RFC1928,要建立 SOCKS 连接,首先将这些字节发送到服务器:

1 byte      SOCKS version
1 byte      Number of authentication methods (n)
n bytes     List of method identifiers


1 byte      SOCKS version
1 byte      Accepted method

这在第 4 版和第 5 版 SOCKS 之间很常见。因此,您可以从一个版本(例如 5)开始,如果服务器没有相应响应,则回退到另一个版本。

于 2011-12-12T07:23:43.930 回答