class ContainsInt c where
toList :: c -> [Int]
-- generic function
elem :: Int -> c -> Bool
elem n x = Prelude.elem n (toList x)
instance ContainsInt () where
toList _ = []
-- Override the generic function for type ()
elem _ _ = False
GHC 支持的另一种方法是使用重写规则。重写规则告诉 GHC 尽可能用另一个表达式替换一个表达式。如果替换是错误类型的,则不会执行,因此您可以使用它来替换专用版本的函数。重写规则由{-# RULES #-}
pragma 给出。
class ContainsInt c where
toList :: c -> [Int]
elem :: ContainsInt c => Int -> c -> Bool
elem n x = Prelude.elem n (toList x)
-- Replace 'elem' by 'elemUnit' if it has the same type
{-# RULES "elem()" forall. elem = elemUnit #-}
elemUnit :: Int -> () -> Bool
elemUnit _ _ = False
foo :: ContainsInt c -> Int -> [c] -> [Bool]
-- Must use the generic function
foo n cs = map (elem n) cs
useFoo :: Int -> [()] -> [Bool]
-- If 'foo' is inlined and 'elem' is not inlined, then this function will contain a rewritable call to 'elem'.
-- Otherwise rewriting cannot happen.
useFoo n cs = foo n cs