
最近我注意到这个版本: http: //opendylan.org/news/2011/12/10/new_release.html


如果已经有 Clojure、Python、Java、Scala、C#、Common Lisp、Scheme 以及可以说是更大、更重要的社区和更多的库,为什么人们学习这种编程语言会很有趣?

我希望这篇文章不会因为“过于主观”而被关闭,我只是对 Dylan 与所有其他编程语言的不同之处感兴趣!


3 回答 3



什么是迪伦?请阅读它的维基百科页面,这是一个好的开始。Dylan 的独特之处在于它是一个 Lisp,没有 Lisp 语法。当第一次定义迪伦时,这对一些人很有吸引力。此外,Dylan 在没有 Lisp 语法的情况下实现了一个功能强大的宏系统(可以说是 Lisp 最强大的优点之一)。

为什么迪伦今天很有趣?好吧,它只是另一种编程语言,而且是一种相当古老的语言。它是在 90 年代初设计的,因此存在许多更新的语言。但如果有人喜欢 Lisp 方式而不是语法,那么 Dylan 可能是首选。


于 2011-12-11T11:40:26.850 回答

They real cool thing about dylan is its objectsystem. Common Lisp has an objectsystem called CLOS (common lisp object system) and it basically is the nonplus ultra of all objectsystems, but CL has the problem that it's kind of mmhh well kind of an unclean design. The Dylan people wanted all the power of CLOS but in a clean new design.

The main thing which is special is that you do everything with multimethods which are outside of the objects. It's really awesome but the benefits are kind of hard to see in the beginning.

The other thing is that dylan has a macrosystem, which works pretty ok. I have not seen a better macrosystem for a language with syntax.

All in all dylan is a really awesome language, it just had a lot of bad luck. Everybody should try to learn some dylan, it's a language with a lot to teach. The OpenDylan People inherited a shitload of code (compiler and libraries ...) and they are working on making it production-ready.

于 2011-12-11T12:30:32.057 回答

乍一看,它看起来像是一种具有传统语法的类似 Lisp 的语言。

像 C# 这样的语言缺乏 Lisp 强大的元编程特性,并且 Lisp 的语法对于许多程序员来说看起来很丑陋。Dylan 似乎将 lisp 的特性与“普通”语言的语法结合在一起,这无疑是一个吸引人的组合。

于 2011-12-11T10:52:17.200 回答