I'm tracking a linux filesystem (that could be any type) with pyinotify module for python (which is actually the linux kernel behind doing the job). Many directories/folders/files (as much as the user want to) are being tracked with my application and now i would like track the md5sum of each file and store them on a database (includes every moving, renaming, new files, etc).

I guess that a database should be the best option to store all the md5sum of each file... But what should be the best database for that? Certainly a very performatic one. I'm looking for a free one, because the application is gonna be GPL.


3 回答 3


你可以试试 Redis。它肯定很快。


于 2011-12-11T11:37:38.167 回答

我尝试的第一个数据库是SQLite3。SQLite3 易于使用,经过很好的测试,提供了大量的接口库和预先编写的工具来处理数据库,并且很容易“嵌入”到应用程序中。(比在系统上安装 MySQL 或 PostgreSQL 容易得多。)

SQLite3 对于人们来说似乎也比Berkeley DB更“容易” ,它是 SQLite3 的主要替代品。

于 2011-12-11T02:01:14.647 回答

听起来你想要一个键值存储而不是一个成熟的数据库。你可以看看谷歌的LevelDB。鉴于它不具备成熟的 SQL 数据库所具有的功能,并且是为提高效率而设计的,因此它可能是性能最高的解决方案。链接页面上有一些性能数字。

于 2011-12-11T09:59:08.713 回答