我需要将我的 Lotus Notes 电子邮件导出(保存到)硬盘。我想出了如何将附件保存到硬盘的方法,但我不知道如何保存整个电子邮件。
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using Domino;
using System.Collections;
namespace ExportLotusAttachments
class Class1
public void ScanForEmails()
String textBox1 = "c:\\1";
NotesSession session = new NotesSession();
NotesDbDirectory dir = null;
dir = session.GetDbDirectory("");
NotesDatabase db = null;
db = dir.OpenMailDatabase();
NotesDatabase NDb = dir.OpenMailDatabase(); //Database connection
//ArrayList that will hold names of the folders
ArrayList LotusViews2 = new ArrayList();
foreach (NotesView V in NDb.Views)
if (V.IsFolder && !(V.Name.Equals("($All)")))
NotesView getS = V;
foreach (String obj in LotusViews2)
NotesDocument NDoc;
NotesView nInboxDocs = NDb.GetView(obj);
NDoc = nInboxDocs.GetFirstDocument();
String pAttachment;
while (NDoc != null)
if (NDoc.HasEmbedded && NDoc.HasItem("$File"))
object[] AllDocItems = (object[])NDoc.Items;
foreach (object CurItem in AllDocItems)
NotesItem nItem = (NotesItem)CurItem;
if (IT_TYPE.ATTACHMENT == nItem.type)
String path = textBox1;
pAttachment = ((object[])nItem.Values)[0].ToString();
if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(path))
NDoc.GetAttachment(pAttachment).ExtractFile(@path + pAttachment);
catch { }
NDoc = nInboxDocs.GetNextDocument(NDoc);