我正在编写一个脚本来重新排列 html 内容,但遇到了 2 个问题。我有这个 html 结构,它是电影标题和发行年份,缩略图分为 5 列。我想生成新的 html 文件,其中包含从 2011 年到 1911 年按十年分组的电影,例如 present-2011;2010-2001;2000-1991;等等
<td class="basic" valign="top">
<a href="details/267226.html" title="" id="thumbimage">
<img src="images/267226f.jpg"/>
<br/>Cowboys & Aliens  (2011)
<td class="basic" valign="top">
<a href="details/267185.html" title="" id="thumbimage">
<img src="images/267185f.jpg"/>
<br/>The Hangover Part II  (2011)
<td class="basic" valign="top">
<a href="details/267138.html" title="" id="thumbimage">
<img src="images/267138f.jpg"/>
<br/>Friends With Benefits  (2011)
<td class="basic" valign="top">
<a href="details/266870.html" title="" id="thumbimage">
<img src="images/266870f.jpg"/>
<br/>Beauty And The Beast  (1991)
<td class="basic" valign="top">
<a href="details/266846.html" title="" id="thumbimage">
<img src="images/266846f.jpg"/>
<br/>The Fox And The Hound  (1981)
我不知道如何解决的一个问题是,在删除与十年不匹配的电影后,我留下了空的“tr”标签和缩略图位置,并且不知道如何重新排列 5 列中的每一行,其中充满了 5 个标题. 以及如何通过一次脚本调用来处理每个十年。谢谢。
use autodie;
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Slurp;
use HTML::TreeBuilder;
my $tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new_from_file( 'test.html' );
for my $h ( $tree->look_down( class => 'basic' ) ) {
edit_links( $h );
my ($year) = ($h->as_text =~ /.*?\((\d+)\).*/);
if ($year > 2010 or $year < 2001) {
write_file( "decades/2010-2001.html", \$tree->as_HTML('<>&',' ',{}), "\n" );
sub edit_links {
my $h = shift;
for my $link ( $h->find_by_tag_name( 'a' ) ) {
my $href = '../'.$link->attr( 'href' );
$link->attr( 'href', $href );
for my $link ( $h->find_by_tag_name( 'img' ) ) {
my $src = '../'.$link->attr( 'src' );
$link->attr( 'src', $src );