我是 Perl 的新手,安装 perlbrew 时遇到问题。有人在帮助我,但他今天整天都很忙,所以我想自己解决这个问题。我安装了 perlbrew root 并修改了 bashrc,但现在我无法安装任何版本的 perlbrew(5.14.2 或任何其他版本)。这是我收到的错误:
Installing /Users/wuzl/perl5/perlbrew/build/perl-5.14.2 failed.
See /Users/wuzl/perl5/perlbrew/build.log to see why.
If you want to force install the distribution, try:
perlbrew --force install perl-5.14.2
I can't find make or gmake, and my life depends on it.
Go find a public domain implementation or fix your PATH setting!
sh: make: command not found
sh: make: command not found