我正在尝试在我的 JBoss ESB 项目中使用 HornetQ JMS 提供程序代替旧版 JMS 提供程序,但它不起作用。

我成功浏览并运行了来自http://www.mastertheboss.com/jboss-esb/78-jboss-esb.html的 JBoss-ESB 教程中的示例代码- 但是,在本教程中,使用了 JBM JMS 提供程序. 我需要改用 HornetQ JMS 提供程序。

我不知道如何让 HornetQ 作为我的 JMS 提供者。HornetQ 默认在 jbossesb-server-4.10 中可用还是我需要显式安装它?


2 回答 2


The HornetQ documentation says:

HornetQ can also be deployed in JBoss AS 5. It is not currently shipped by default with the application server (it is scheduled to be shipped as default JMS provider in JBoss Application Server 6.0), so you will need to create new AS 5 profiles to run AS 5 with HornetQ. ... As in AS 4, it is not shipped by default with the application server, so you will need to create new AS 4 profiles to run AS 4 with HornetQ.

So HornetQ is either available as part of JBoss Application Server 6+, or as a standalone server that you can point an AS to. To get HornetQ as your JMS, you're going to need to be running your JBoss ESB install on top of JBoss AS 6 or higher, or to install HornetQ as a standalone server.

So it looks like the answer to your question is "no, it's not part of JBoss ESB, you need to explicitly install it."

于 2011-12-09T18:24:08.193 回答

据我所知,HornetQ 有两种口味:

  • 嵌入在 JBoss AS 6 中。
  • 作为独立服务器。

因此,在您的情况下,我认为您需要安装 JBoss(使用 HornetQ),或者如果您不需要 JBoss,则只需安装 HornetQ。

于 2011-12-09T18:26:09.627 回答