In Visual Studio HTML Editor (aspx webform / mvc) i have some code:

<tr id="${PropertyKey}">
  <td title="DataModeHtml">
     <input type="checkbox" ${DataModeHtml} value="${DataModeKey}"/>
  <td title="PropertyCode">

I use jTemplates to render ${DataModeHtml} to [checked='checked'] or [string.Empty]. All okie, but Visual Studio "Warning" in editor Error List: "Validation (XHTML 1.0 Transitional): Attribute 'DataModeHtml' is not a valid attribute of element 'input'."

How can we: setting in visual studio, create add-on or add something to xsd-xml IntelliSense VS to solving this?


1 回答 1


需要在 Intellisense 文件中声明自定义标签。

请参阅MSDN 中的这篇文章并向下滚动到IntelliSense 以获取自定义标签

于 2011-12-08T03:52:33.330 回答