I have an application that uses Boost.Program_options to store and manage its configuration options. We are currently moving away from configuration files and using database loaded configuration instead. I've written an API that reads configuration options from the database by hostname and instance name. (cool!) However, as far as I can see there is no way to manually insert these options into the boost Program_options. Has anyone used this before, any ideas? The docs from boost seem to indicate the only way to get stuff in that map is by the store function, which either reads from the command line or config file (not what I want). Basically looking for a way to manually insert the DB read values in to the map.


2 回答 2



回想一下boost::program_options::variables_mapstd::map<std::string, boost::program_options::variable_value>您可以进行完全合法的 STL 映射处理,包括插入...

命名空间 po = boost::program_options;
po::variables_map 虚拟机;
vm.insert(std::make_pair("MyNewEmptyOption", po::variable_value());
vm.insert(std::make_pair("MyNewIntOption", po::variable_value(32, false));


于 2010-04-22T11:11:14.577 回答


于 2009-05-11T13:41:08.530 回答