我正在制作一个时间表应用程序。我现在正在测试 onDraw 和 onTouchEvent 是如何工作的。
我做了一个 customeView 并绘制 8x10 线。我覆盖了onTouchEvent,如果触摸通过每个矩形,则矩形被绿色填充。
public class TimeTableActivity extends Activity {
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
OnDrawing drawing = new OnDrawing(this); //customView
class OnDrawing extends View{
//x,y = first touch position, endX, endY = last touch position
//startX, startY = calculate where to start for filling color.
// stopX, stopY = calculate where to finish for filling color.
float x, y, endX, endY, startX, startY, stopX, stopY;
public OnDrawing(Context context) {
protected void onDraw(Canvas canvas) {
//Paint Color 1, 2 ,3
Paint paint = new Paint();
Paint paint2 = new Paint();
Paint paint3 = new Paint();
/***row 10lines***/
for(int i=0; i<11; i++){
canvas.drawLine(0, getHeight()/10*i, getRight(), getHeight()/10*i, paint);
/***colum 8lines***/
for(int i=0; i<9; i++){
canvas.drawLine(getWidth()/8*i, 0, getWidth()/8*i, getBottom(), paint);
/***first rows background color***/
for(int i=0; i<10; i++){
canvas.drawRect(0, getHeight()/10, getWidth()/8, getBottom(), paint2);
/***first column background color***/
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
canvas.drawRect(getWidth()/8, 0, getRight(), getHeight()/10, paint2);
/***first cell color***/
canvas.drawRect(0, 0, getWidth()/8, getHeight()/10, paint3);
/***days in the first line***/
canvas.drawText("Mon", getWidth()/8*1+10, getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("Tue", getWidth()/8*2+10, getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("Wed", getWidth()/8*3+10, getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("Thu", getWidth()/8*4+10, getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("Fri", getWidth()/8*5+10, getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("Sat", getWidth()/8*6+10, getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("Sun", getWidth()/8*7+10, getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
/***time in the first line***/
canvas.drawText("icon", 10, getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("1", 10, getHeight()/10*1+getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("2", 10, getHeight()/10*2+getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("3", 10, getHeight()/10*3+getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("4", 10, getHeight()/10*4+getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("5", 10, getHeight()/10*5+getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("6", 10, getHeight()/10*6+getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("7", 10, getHeight()/10*7+getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("8", 10, getHeight()/10*8+getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("9", 10, getHeight()/10*9+getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawText("10", 10, getHeight()/10*10+getHeight()/10*1/2, paint);
canvas.drawRect(startX, startY, stopX, stopY, paint3);//fill background color, from start position to stop position
public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) {
case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN:
x = event.getX(); //first touch position
y = event.getY();
case MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE:
endX = event.getX(); //last touch point
endY = event.getY();
if(endX>x && endY>y){ //If Dragging toward right bottom
/***First Touch Position***/
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
if(x>getWidth()/8*i && x<getWidth()/8*(i+1)){
for(int j=0; j<10; j++){
if(y>getHeight()/10*j && y<getHeight()/10*(j+1)){
startX = getWidth()/8*i; //startX = left side of the cell
startY = getHeight()/10*j; //startY = upside of the cell
/***Last Touch position***/
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
if(endX>getWidth()/8*i ){
for(int j=0; j<10; j++){
if(endY>getHeight()/10*j && endY<getHeight()/10*(j+1)){
stopX = getWidth()/8*(i+1); //stopX = right side of the cell
stopY = getHeight()/10*(j+1); //stopY = bottom side of the cell
if(endX<x && endY<y){ //if dragging toward left top side.(backward) this part is trouble
/***First Touch position***/
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
if(x>getWidth()/8*i && x<getWidth()/8*(i+1)){
for(int j=0; j<10; j++){
if(y>getHeight()/10*j && y<getHeight()/10*(j+1)){
startX = getWidth()/8*(i+1); //startX = right side of the cell
startY = getHeight()/10*(j+1); //startY = down side of the cell
/***Last Touch position***/
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
if(endX>getWidth()/8*i ){
for(int j=0; j<10; j++){
if(endY>getHeight()/10*j && endY<getHeight()/10*(j+1)){
stopX = getWidth()/8*(i); //stopX = left side of the cell
stopY = getHeight()/10*(j); //stopY = upside of the cell
return true;