Lucene 的 StandardAnalyzer 在索引时从字符串/首字母缩略词中删除点。我希望 Lucene 保留点,因此我使用的是 WhitespaceAnalyzer 类。

我可以将我的停用词列表提供给 StandardAnalyzer...但是我如何将它提供给 WhitespaceAnalyzer?



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Create your own analyzer by extending WhiteSpaceAnalyzer and override tokenStream method as follows.

public TokenStream tokenStream(String fieldName, Reader reader) {
    TokenStream result = super.tokenStream(fieldName, reader);
    result = new StopFilter(result, stopSet);
    return result;

Here the stopSet is the Set of stop words, which you could get by adding a constructor to your analyzer which accepts a list of stop words.

You may also wish to override reusableTokenStream() method in similar fashion if you plan to reuse the TokenStream.

于 2009-05-08T19:20:33.780 回答