I am using Jenkins with the source control plugin name UCM ClearCase
It tries to create a view and fails with the error:
[onlysourcecode] $ cleartool mkview -snapshot -stream ROLE_Test_Project_DevSG@\Vobname -tag SYSTEM_master_Test_ROLE_001_hudson view
Selected Server Storage Location "Views".
cleartool: Error: unable to set access control list for \\server\viewstor\NT+AUTHORITY\SYSTEM\view.1.vws: Access is denied.
cleartool: Error: protection on \\server\viewstor\NT+AUTHORITY\SYSTEM\view.1.vws is out-of-synch with identity.sd and groups.sd
cleartool: Error: Failed to set identity on view: Permission denied
cleartool: Error: unable to set access control list for \\server\viewstor\NT+AUTHORITY\SYSTEM\view.1.vws: Access is denied.
cleartool: Error: \\server\viewstor\NT+AUTHORITY\SYSTEM\view.1.vws: Permission denied
cleartool: Error: Unable to create view "\\server\viewstor\NT+AUTHORITY\SYSTEM\view.1.vws".
FATAL: UCM ClearCase failed. exit code=1
Which basically means it does not have permissions to create a view. Now my questions:
Any ideas on what exactly is the problem here?
What ID is Jenkins using internally. Meaning I have a user ID on the DOMAIN controller where I log in to the machine and run Jenkins. If Jenkins uses that, then why this error as I can create views.
If not, then what ID does it use and how do I get Jenkins to use my domain ID, or else maybe get the internal ID to be a part of the ClearCase AD group.