我们在liferay 中有一个叫做嵌套portlet 的东西。我想通过代码动态添加这个portlet。有谁知道添加嵌套 portlet 并在其中添加其他 portlet 的代码?

谢谢 !!!


1 回答 1


对于完整的示例,我假设您想使用另一个 portlet 操作处理程序将嵌套的 portlet 添加到当前页面。(如果从渲染操作中使用,直到页面的下一个视图,您才会看到嵌套的 portlet)


private static String addPortlet(final long p_userId, final Layout p_layout, final String p_portletId, final String p_columnId, final int p_position, final boolean p_checkPermission)
                throws PortalException, SystemException
    if (p_layout.isTypePortlet()) {
        final LayoutTypePortlet layoutTypePortlet = (LayoutTypePortlet) p_layout.getLayoutType();

        final String portletId = layoutTypePortlet.addPortletId(p_userId, p_portletId, p_columnId, p_position, p_checkPermission);
        if (portletId != null) {
            final String rootPortletId = PortletConstants.getRootPortletId(portletId);
            final String portletPrimaryKey = PortletPermissionUtil.getPrimaryKey(p_layout.getPlid(), portletId);
            ResourceLocalServiceUtil.addResources(p_layout.getCompanyId(), p_layout.getGroupId(), 0, rootPortletId, portletPrimaryKey, true, true, true);
            LayoutLocalServiceUtil.updateLayout(p_layout.getGroupId(), p_layout.isPrivateLayout(), p_layout.getLayoutId(), p_layout.getTypeSettings());
        return portletId;

    return null;

private static void addNestedPortlet(final PortletRequest p_request) throws PortalException, SystemException {
    final ThemeDisplay themeDisplay = (ThemeDisplay) p_request.getAttribute(WebKeys.THEME_DISPLAY);
    final Layout layout = themeDisplay.getLayout();
    long userId = themeDisplay.getUserId();

    //create nested portlet and add it to "column-1"
    final String nestedPortletId = addPortlet(userId, layout, "118", "column-1", -1, false);

    //this will be used to target nested portlet's columns
    final String nestedColumnPrefix = "_" + nestedPortletId + "__";

    //default page layout (used by nested portlet) has two columns
    //we'll add two portlets (in this example two iframe portlets), one portlet to each column
    addPortlet(userId, layout, "48", nestedColumnPrefix + "column-1", -1, false);
    addPortlet(userId, layout, "48", nestedColumnPrefix + "column-2", -1, false);

如果您希望并且可能您希望将嵌套的 portlet 添加到另一个页面或不从 portlet 中添加,您可以查找 Layout 和 User 而不是从 ThemeDisplay 中获取它们。

于 2011-12-09T16:08:29.270 回答