
int HashTable_qp::preHash(string & key, int tableSize )
    string pad = "AA";
    //some words in the input are less than 3 letters
    //I choose to pad the string with A because all padded characters 
    //have same ascii val, which is low, and will hopefully alter the results less
    if (key.length() < 3)
    return ( key[0] + 27 * key[1] + 729 * key[2] ) % tableSize;

3 回答 3


如果它是一个数组作为底层数据结构: int hash = preHash(&key, array.length); if(array[hash] != null) this.count++; 如果它是一个链表数组,那么:

if(array[hash] != null && *(array[hash]) != null)

如果您只能访问 stl 库,我相信在调用散列函数之后在添加之前测试该元素是否为空就足够了。

于 2011-12-05T23:53:38.227 回答

create a histogram:

 unsigned histogram[tablesize] = {0};

generate some (all) possible strings and compute their hashval, and update the histogram accordingly:

for(iter=0; iter < somevalue; iter++) {
 hashval = hashfunc( string.iterate(iter) ); // I don't know c++
 histogram[hashval] +=1;

Now you have to analyze the hashtable for lumps / clusters. Rule of thumb is that for (tablesize==iter), you expect about 30 % cells with count =1, and about 30 % empty; the rest has two or more.

If you sum all the (count*(count+1))/2, and divide by the tablesize, you should expect around 1.5. A bad hashfunction gives higher values, a perfect hash would only have cells with count=1 (and thus: ratio=1) With linear probing you should of course never use tablesize=niter, but make tablesize bigger, say twice as big. You can use the same metric (number of probes / number of entries), to analyse its performance, though.

UPDATE: a great introduction on hashfunctions and their performance can be found at http://www.strchr.com/hash_functions .

于 2011-12-06T00:17:18.593 回答


[0] -> 13
[1] -> 5
[2] -> 12
[3] -> 7
[4] -> 5


于 2011-12-05T23:49:00.100 回答