
$ myProgram par1 par2 par3

在 C 中,您可以通过查看来访问这些参数argv

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) 
     char* aParameter = argv[1];  // Not sure if this is 100% right but you get the idea...




3 回答 3


Function calls

Parameters are usually passed on the stack, which is a part of memory that is pointed to by esp. The operating system is responsible for reserving some memory for the stack and then setting up esp properly before passing control to your program.

A normal function call could look something like this:

  push 456
  push 123
  call MyFunction
  add esp, 8

   ; [esp+0] will hold the return address
   ; [esp+4] will hold the first parameter (123)
   ; [esp+8] will hold the second parameter (456)
   ; To return from here, we usually execute a 'ret' instruction,
   ; which is actually equivalent to:
   ; add esp, 4
   ; jmp [esp-4]


There are different responsibilities split between the calling function and the function that is being called, with regards to how they promise to preserve registers. These rules are referred to as calling conventions.

The example above uses the cdecl calling convention, which means that parameters are pushed onto the stack in reverse order, and the calling function is responsible for restoring esp back to where it pointed before those parameters were pushed to the stack. That's what add esp, 8 does.

Main function

Typically, you write a main function in assembly and assemble it into an object file. You then pass this object file to a linker to produce an executable.

The linker is responsible for producing startup code that sets up the stack properly before control is passed to your main function, so that your function can act as if it were called with two arguments (argc/argv). That is, your main function is not the real entry point, but the startup code jumps there after it has set up the argc/argv arguments.

Startup code

So how does this "startup code" look? The linker will produce it for us, but it's always interesting to know how stuff works.

This is platform specific, but I'll describe a typical case on Linux. This article, while dated, explains the stack layout on Linux when an i386 program starts. The stack will look like this:

esp+00h: argc
esp+04h: argv[0]
esp+08h: argv[1]
esp+1Ch: argv[2]

So the startup code can get the argc/argv values from the stack and then call main(...) with two parameters:

; This is very incomplete startup code, but it illustrates the point

mov eax, [esp]        ; eax = argc
lea edx, [esp+0x04]   ; edx = argv

; push argv, and argc onto the stack (note the reverse order)
push edx
push eax
call main
; When main returns, use its return value (eax)
; to set an exit status
于 2011-12-06T00:16:44.783 回答



例如,argcandargv将被创建并推送到堆栈上。他们指向的数据也已经创建好了。当函数被调用时,它知道参数 1..n 将根据调用约定被放置在内存的某个部分中。



于 2011-12-05T23:26:16.930 回答

mainC 运行时在这里为您做一些工作 - 它从操作系统获取程序参数并在调用您的函数之前在必要时解析它们。在汇编程序中,您必须获取命令参数并自己解析它们。获取程序参数的方式是特定于操作系统的。

于 2011-12-05T23:36:41.107 回答