I have build a my own credential. I Installed it on 64 bit systems with Windows 7 home and it's ok. I tried to install it on 3 different machines with windows 7 64 pro and my provider is not shown.

I didn't know that there were differences in windows 7 version about credential provider.

I don't know what to try to solve problem. I tried to install a commercial Provider (aloaha, rohos) and they are ok, I tried to install microsoft samples ( 64 bit compiling) but they are not shown.

In windows 7 home premium 64 bit all is ok.


1 回答 1




  • 加载到依赖项步行器中,查看哪些库链接到您的 CP。在加载正常的机器和不加载的机器上执行此操作。如果它找不到一些LogonUI相关的库,不要惊慌,这是正常的。

  • 尝试使用 WinDBG 查看 logonui 以确保它确实没有加载并且没有其他任何东西在起作用。在这里查看说明。

  • 调试这些的最全面的方法是使用此处描述的设置调试。下载 ZIP 文件并阅读文档,尤其是调试部分。它非常复杂,您需要设置串行连接或使用 VM 进行设置。但是通过这种方式,您将能够在 logonui 启动时设置断点,您将能够看到凭据提供程序的加载顺序,并在出现故障时看到确切的错误消息。

于 2011-12-29T06:24:53.980 回答