Please pardon the dumb newbie question; I've only been programming Javascript for about 24 hours... :)
I have managed (with some outside help) to embed a shockwave flash object into my page - specifically MultiPowUpload 2.1. It's appearing nicely on the page and seems to be functioning correctly; we can take that part as read.
Now I'm trying to do some more advanced stuff in JavaScript - I have a button, and in the onClick()
code I have the following:
var swf = document.getElementById("FlashFilesUpload1");
var itemsCount = swf.filesCount;
alert("items: "+itemsCount);
But the alert statement tells me "items: undefined". It does the same if I set itemsCount
to swf.nonExistentProperty
- everything is "undefined". But from what I read in the documentation, there definitely is a filesCount
property. I tried accessing all the other properties and methods of this swf object, and none of them work, except for toString()
, which returns "HTMLObjectElement".
I am obviously addressing this object incorrectly - but what am I doing wrong?
In response to @brianpeiris: I am doing this quite differently from the page at the link you suggested. I didn't do this with any great knowledge, I'm just really acting like a monkey, trying to copy other people's code that works, then tweak it so it does what I want... so don't assume I know anything, however obvious - remember, I've only been doing JavaScript for about a day now!
So here's the code for the control itself:
<object id="FlashFilesUpload1" codebase=",0,0,0"
classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" viewastext>
<!-- Replace symbols " with the " at all parameters values and
symbols "&" with the "%26" at URL values or & at other values!
The same parameters values should be set for EMBED object below. -->
<param name="FlashVars" value="uploadButtonVisible=false&uploadUrl=../ReceiveBulkCases.aspx" />
<param name="BGColor" value="#F8F6E6" />
<param name="Movie" value="ClientSideControls/ElementITMultiPowUpload2.1.swf" />
<param name="Src" value="ClientSideControls/ElementITMultiPowUpload2.1.swf" />
<param name="WMode" value="Window" />
<param name="Play" value="-1" />
<param name="Loop" value="-1" />
<param name="Quality" value="High" />
<param name="SAlign" value="" />
<param name="Menu" value="-1" />
<param name="Base" value="" />
<param name="AllowScriptAccess" value="always" />
<param name="Scale" value="ShowAll" />
<param name="DeviceFont" value="0" />
<param name="EmbedMovie" value="0" />
<param name="SWRemote" value="" />
<param name="MovieData" value="" />
<param name="SeamlessTabbing" value="1" />
<param name="Profile" value="0" />
<param name="ProfileAddress" value="" />
<param name="ProfilePort" value="0" />
<!-- Embed for Netscape,Mozilla/FireFox browsers support. Flashvars parameters are the same.-->
<!-- Replace symbols " with the " at all parameters values and symbols "&" with the "%26" at URL values or & at other values! -->
<embed bgcolor="#F8F6E6" id="EmbedFlashFilesUpload" src="ClientSideControls/ElementITMultiPowUpload2.1.swf"
quality="high" pluginspage=""
type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="450" height="350" flashvars="uploadButtonVisible=false&uploadUrl=../ReceiveBulkCases.aspx">
As you see it's embedded in the HTML as an object
, unlike the reference you gave, where they do some other trick using script to get it onto the page.
BTW, when I tried it their way (not very hard, I grant you), I didn't manage to get the control even to appear on my page!
Thanks for your help... much appreciated