由于某些我无法理解的原因,Buddypress 在删除组时似乎不会自行清理。我想要的功能是,属于被删除组的所有论坛、主题、帖子和元数据也会从各自的表中删除,但不幸的是,这不会发生(顺便说一句,我正在使用组论坛……)。这是期望的行为、缺陷还是错误?

不仅我发现用不必要的信息阻塞 db:s 很糟糕,它还使得为更高级线程开发自定义插件对我来说更加困难,因为我现在必须编写自己的清理程序。是否有“delete_forum($forum_id)”函数或类似的东西来处理这个问题?或者也许还有其他功能?还是我在这里完全错过了什么?

设置:WordPress 版本 3.2.1 BuddyPress 版本 1.5.1


1 回答 1


Here is my situation and how I resolved it:


  • Did you transport the site from another server or domain? (Usually from a development sandbox or the like?)
  • Files to check: bbpress.config file (Mine had the old development address. I was unaware that a URL was stored in here.)
  • After adjustment: install group forums using existing install!
  • After that: Delete and re-add groups
  • Forums work and old forum topics are gone. I do not have ANY idea of how this functioned without the bbpress config file being close to correct, but it did!!! Until the delete groups command was issued!

Hopefully Buddypress continues to strive for warning messages when something is amiss!

于 2012-03-04T01:50:02.380 回答