我需要为我的 C# 项目中的每个方法构建一个控制流程图(带有节点和边的简单流程图),以演示计算圈复杂度的图形方式。
我首先使用 VS 2010 计算了圈复杂度,然后我构建了图形以确保结果值与从 VS 计算的值相同。但是,我在这里遇到了一些问题,因为我不确定哪个表达式实际上被认为是圈复杂度的 +1。
public ActionResult Edit(string id, string value)
string elementId = id;
// Use to get first 4 characters of the id to indicate which category the element belongs
string fieldToEdit = elementId.Substring(0, 4);
// Take everything AFTER the 1st 4 characters, this will be the ID
int idToEdit = Convert.ToInt32(elementId.Remove(0, 4));
// The value to be return is simply a string:
string newValue = value;
var food = dbEntities.FOODs.Single(i => i.FoodID == idToEdit);
// Use switch to perform different action according to different field
switch (fieldToEdit)
case "name": food.FoodName = newValue; break;
case "amnt": food.FoodAmount = Convert.ToInt32(newValue); break;
case "unit": food.FoodUnitID = Convert.ToInt32(newValue); break;
// ** DateTime format need to be modified in both view and plugin script
case "sdat": food.StorageDate = Convert.ToDateTime(newValue); break;
case "edat": food.ExpiryDate = Convert.ToDateTime(newValue); break;
case "type": food.FoodTypeID = Convert.ToInt32(newValue); break;
default: throw new Exception("invalid fieldToEdit passed");
return Content(newValue);
有人可以帮忙吗?或者有什么工具可以从 C# 代码生成控制流程图?