我是 ruby​​ 和 rhomobile 的新手。我使用模拟器成功调试,我可以设置断点等...除了我无法在框架代码中调试外,一切正常。如何通过 rhomobile 应用程序中的框架代码进行调试?如何配置 rho studio 以便在框架内进行调试?我是红宝石和日食的新手。

更详细:当我尝试调试框架内的函数时,会出现我的问题。例如:我在 model.find(:all) 中放置了一个断点。调试器在这里停止,但是当我想调试然后找到它不进入它的方法时,它只是执行并在下一条指令中继续。在关键方面,我想迈出一步,但它迈出了一步。如果它对您有帮助,在编辑模式下,当我在“Rho::RhoController”这样的一行中按控制+鼠标左键时:“class TestController < Rho::RhoController”,它不会打开/rhodes-3.2 .1/lib/framework/rho/rhocontroller.rb,这个类的源代码在哪里。


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First you need to install rhostudio, once ure done with that. You need to run your application through Rhosimulator which is a really fast simulator than native blackberry, android & ios simulators.

Please follow these steps : Select Run » Debug Configurations… from top menu Find ‘Rhodes Application’ section on the left and add new (or modify existing) configuration On ‘Common setting’ tab select a project by clicking ‘Browse…’ button next to ‘Project name:’ Select ‘Rho simulator’ as the platform Click ‘Apply’ and then ‘Debug’</p>

Its good that you have already added breakpoints in your .rb files which you can now view in log in Console window.

于 2011-12-05T12:36:12.990 回答