我正在寻找一种更好的方法来在 javascript 中实现决策树。作为编程新手,我的工具箱中的工具数量非常有限。我知道这样做的唯一方法是: . 很难维护和遵循 if else if 语句。我可以使用 switch/case 语句并执行状态机类型的事情。




2 回答 2



var decisionTree = 
    new Case( true, Array(
                  new Case ( function(n){ return n < 0; }, Math.sin ),
                  new Case ( function(n){ return n < 2; }, "0<= n < 2" ),
                  new Case ( true, "Greater than two " )));

decisionTree.evaluate(1); // evaluates to string "0<= n < 2"
decisionTree.evaluate(-Math.PI/2); // evaluates to -1
decisionTree.evaluate(5); // evaluates to string "Greater than two"


// Represents a predicate and corresponding action to take if predicate is a
// match.
// predicate : true or Function( object ) returning a boolean.
// action : One of Function, Case, Array of Cases or other value (see
//          Case.evaluate as to how each is applied)
Case = function (predicate, action) {  
    this.predicate = predicate;
    this.action = action;

Case.prototype = {
    nomatch : { match : false },
    match : function (v) { return { match : true, result :v }; },

    // Recursively test Cases and applies corresponding action on
    // `object`.
    // The action applied depends on the datatype of `action`:
    // - Function : evaluates to `action( object )`
    // - Case : A subsequent test is performed.  Evaluates to whatever
    //          the Cases action evaluates to.
    // - Array of Cases : Subsequent tests are performed.  Evaluates to whatever
    //          the action of the first matching Case evaluates to.
    // - Any other Value : Evaluates to itself
    // returns object containing fields:
    //     match:  boolean, indicates if Case was a match
    //     result:  result of action applied
    evaluate : function( object ) {
        var match = this.predicate;

        if ( match instanceof Function )
            match = match( object );

        if ( match ) {

            if (this.action instanceof Function )
                return this.match( this.action(object) );

            if ( this.action instanceof Case )
                return this.action.evaluate( object );

            if ( this.action instanceof Array ) {
                var decision;
                var result;
                for (var c = 0; c < this.action.length; c++ ) {
                    decision = this.action[c];
                    if ( decision instanceof Case )  {
                        result = decision.evaluate( object );
                        if (result.match)
                            return result;
                    } else throw("Array of Case expected");

                return this.nomatch;

            return this.match(this.action);
        return this.nomatch;
于 2011-12-03T16:50:00.577 回答

此类事情的最佳实践是以有意义的方式嵌套 if-then 语句,然后将它们放入自己的函数体中。一个函数不应该有超过 2 个嵌套的 if;之后,可以在命名和实现良好的函数中进一步嵌套 if ,从而抽象程序的复杂性,同时保留它对程序员的意义,让程序员在你离开后阅读你的代码。:)

于 2011-12-03T15:33:48.740 回答